Keynote Address

Read the Keynote Address given by John Manfreda, TTB Administrator, June 24, 2009.

Speaker Presentations

Notice: This page contains copies of the presentations made at TTB Expo 2009, held in June, 2009. These presentations are available for your information.  These presentations may be made obsolete by changes in laws and regulations.  Please consult the regulations for the most current regulatory requirements. 

To view the regulations, you may search the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) or visit this page to browse a specific part of the TTB regulations.

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Purple FAET Wine Pink Wine Distilled Spirits Green Beer Tobacco Yellow Distilled Spirits Beer
Yellow Distilled Spirits Alcohol Importers Blue Tobacco Firearms and Ammunition Green Beer General Interest


Session Title

Printer Friendly Version

Alcohol Importers

Alcohol Importers

PDF Icon
357 KB

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Foreign-Trade Zones

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186 KB

Beverage Alcohol Pre-Import Approvals

PDF Icon
2999 KB

Customs on Importing Alcohol into the U.S.

Not Available

Labeling Essentials for Imported Wine

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1018 KB



Session Title

Printer Friendly Version


Alternating Brewery Proprietorships - Do You Qualify?

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140 KB

Before I Brew, What Must I Do?

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108 KB

Breweries - An Introduction to Federal Laws and Regulations

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148 KB

Brewery Records, Reports and Taxes Made Understandable

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684 KB

Changes after Qualification for Breweries

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196 KB

Malt Beverage Labeling

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603 KB

TTB and the Beer Industry

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976 KB



Session Title

Printer Friendly Version

Distilled Spirits

Advanced Nonbeverage Drawback Topics (amended July 22, 2009)

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7215 KB

Alcohol Fuel Plants - Required Records and Reports

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148 KB

Beverage Distilled Spirits Plant - Taxes and Claims

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265 KB

Beverage Distilled Spirits - Required Records

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255 KB

Changes after Original Distilled Spirits Plant Qualification

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174 KB

Distilled Spirits - an Introduction to Federal Laws and Regulations

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149 KB

Distilled Spirits Labeling

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419 KB

Distilled Spirits Plant Applications

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185 KB

Industrial Distilled Spirits Plant - How to Calculate and Pay Taxes

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182 KB

Industrial Distilled Spirits Plant Recordkeeping

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206 KB

Laboratory Techniques for Distilleries

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545 KB

Monthly Reports for Beverage Distilled Spirits Plants

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262 KB

Monthly Reports for Industrial Distilled Spirits Plants

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310 KB

Overview of the Distilled Spirits Industry

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326 KB

Pitfalls of Artisan Distillers (amended July 22, 2009)

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497 KB

Section 5010 Tax Credits for Distilled Spirits Products

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301 KB

Specially Denatured Spirits

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1282 KB

Tax-Free Alcohol Permits

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154 KB

Using Alcohol to Make Food, Flavors, Medicine and Perfume

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2032 KB



Session Title

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General Interest

A Guide to Better Understanding Controlled Groups

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437 KB

Alcohol Advertising and Marketing

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164 KB

Alcohol Wholesalers

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248 KB

Beverage Alcohol Export Advice

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314 KB

Domestic Beverage Alcohol Formulation

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1375 KB

FAA Act Trade Practice Law and Regulations

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329 KB

Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)

Not Available

Get with the Times with COLAs Online!

PDF Icon
945 KB

How to Qualify for "Organic" on Your Label

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469 KB

Laboratory Analysis for Calories, Carbohydrates and Protein

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202 KB

Laboratory Analysis of Limited Ingredients, Prohibited Ingredients and Allergens

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482 KB

Protecting the U.S. Food Supply - An Overview of the Bioterrorism Act

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332 KB

State ABC Panel (Illinois)

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158 KB

State ABC Panel (Ohio)

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575 KB

State ABC Panel (Pennsylvania)

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187 KB

The Technical Side of Exporting Alcohol

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130 KB

TTB.Gov - Portal to TTB Public Information

Not Available

TTB Rulemaking

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134 KB

What to Expect: TTB Investigations and Audits

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235 KB



Session Title

Printer Friendly Version


Applying for TTB Approval as a Tobacco Industry Member

PDF Icon
142 KB

Customs on Importing Tobacco into the United States

Not Available

Marks, Labels, Notices and Warnings - Tobacco Packaging (amended July 22, 2009)

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138 KB

Overview of the Tobacco Industry

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173 KB

Records, Reports and Claims for Tobacco Importers

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507 KB

Records, Reports, Taxes and Claims for Tobacco Manufacturers

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824 KB

Reporting Changes to TTB for Tobacco Permittees

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112 KB

The Technical Side of Exporting Tobacco Products

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243 KB

Tobacco Product Classifications

Not Available

Tobacco Regulations Under the Internal Revenue Code

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350 KB



Session Title

Printer Friendly Version


Changes to Report Regarding Your Bonded Wine Operations

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2253 KB

Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping Update

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1873 KB

Labeling Essentials for Domestic Wine

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560 KB

Laboratory Techniques for Small Wineries

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775 KB

Lowering the Alcohol Content of Wine

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1019 KB

Qualification as a Bonded Wine Premises

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1259 KB

Wine Alternation and Custom Crush Arrangements

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104 KB

Wine Excise Tax and the Small Domestic Producer Credit

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271 KB

Wine Industry Overview

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127 KB

Wine Law: Navigating the Simple and Not-so-Simple Statutory Provisions

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198 KB

Wine Premises Recordkeeping

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196 KB

Wine Premises Reports

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315 KB

Wine Treating Materials and Processes

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120 KB | Site Map