U.S. Department of Justice

Affiliations between Health Centers and Local Correctional Facilities to Provide Continuity of Care for Offenders

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Apr. 21, 2011

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  • Affiliations between Health Centers and Local Correctional Facilities to Provide Continuity of Care for Offenders

ANNOTATION: Those tasked with ratcheting downs costs and doing more with less need to be aware of the potential savings resulting from partnerships between corrections and community health centers. This manual “explores various models to provide health care access to the community’s offender population in a manner that optimizes the community-based delivery model and other benefits associated with community health centers” (p. i). Six chapters comprise this publication: introduction; health center-local correctional facility affiliations—a practical partnership; understanding the “language” of collaboration; health center-local correctional facility affiliation models—satellite site, existing site, new site, and considerations in developing the model; building the bridge—assuring continuous access to care after confinement; and conclusion and next steps.

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