U.S. Department of Justice

Race, Crime, and Punishment: Breaking the Connection in America

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Jun. 23, 2011

Library ID

  • 025047

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  • 2011
  • 236 pages

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  • Race, Crime, and Punishment: Breaking the Connection in America

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This is essential reading for anyone interested in the pervasive problems of sentencing disparity in the United States. The three major themes running through this book are: changing public perceptions of race, crime, and punishment; alternative visions, opportunities, and challenges for justice reformers; and moving toward a new deal for 21st Century criminal justice in the U.S. Chapters contained are: “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle Alexander; “Structural Racism and Crime Control” by Ian Haney Lopez; “Criminal Justice and the Ideology of Individual Responsibility” by Blake Emerson; “Changing the Conversation” by Alice O’Connor; “Resuscitating Justice through the Human Security Framework: Are We Ready to Listen?” by Alan Mobley; “Affirmative Action: A Barrier to Racially Equitable Justice?” by Alexander; “Drugs Are Not the (Only) Problem: Structural Racism, Mass Imprisonment, and the Overpunishment of Violent Crime” by Jonathan Simon; “Resisting Justice: Opportunities to Build a New Public Safety Agenda Founded in Civil Society” by Eric Cadora; “Advocacy for Racial Justice: Prospects for Criminal Justice Reform” by Marc Mauer; “Mass Incarceration and Green Cities” by Phil Thompson; “Changing the Public Common Sense about Crime and Punishment” by Keith O. Lawrence; “Targeting Strategic Institutions and Movements for Intervention” by Lawrence; and “A New Deal for Twenty-First-Century American Criminal Justice.”

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