Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency  
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Air Force Facility Energy 2009 
cover of Air Force Facility Energy 2009 publicationThe Air Force leads the federal government in saving energy. Read Air Force Facility Energy 2009 to see how civil engineers contribute to the Air Force's energy successes, and what they plan for the future.
CE Subject Matter Expert Directory 
Cover of Air Force Civil Engineer magazine, volume 17, special subject matter expert issue, 20092009 Directory of Civil Engineering's Subject Matter Experts now available.

This special issue of Air Force Civil Engineer magazine focuses on Air Force Civil Engineering's subject matter experts, or SMEs, listing each, along with their area of expertise, and contact information. If you would like a hardcopy of the SME directory, please email or call 850-283-6242.
Civil Engineers in the News RSS feed
Explosive ordnance disposal chosen Air Force Team of the Year

Air Guard Engineers prepare for involuntary deployment

Tyndall AFB is in Hurricane Condition (HURCON) 5. This is declared throughout the entire hurricane season (1 June thru 30 November). Personnel should document personal inventories; check insurance policies, review/prepare personal plans; check/build evacuation kits; brief family members and review/correct information listed in your TAFB Form 254 and/or recall information.
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Contact Information 
139 Barnes Dr Suite 1
Tyndall AFB FL 32403-5319
DSN 523-6995
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Can't find something --  call 1-888-AFCESA-1 
(888-232-3721) or e-mail the Reach-Back Center.
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AF Headlines RSS feed
Air Force, NASA officials launch rocket fueled with environmentally friendly propellant

Iraqi agency ready to take over civil aviation operations

3rd Bombardment Group reunites at Elmendorf

United Arab Emirates air force participates in first Red Flag

VA simplifies compensation rules for post-traumatic stress

Iraqi air force brings ISR capabilities online

Airman witnesses daughter's birth via webcam

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