Federal Register


Regulations.gov Regulations.gov is a comprehensive resource where you can find regulatory and non regulatory documents issued by U.S. government agencies. This includes:

  • proposed and final rules
  • notices, supporting materials, public comments
  • Federal agency guidance and adjudications

You may also comment on proposed regulations that are open for comment and related documents.

Public Participation in Rulemaking

Sign up for Updates

This list of Federal agency regulation-related listservs, electronic newsletters, and RSS feeds is presented as a guide to electronic rulemaking initiatives. Most offer information on Proposed and Final Rules, as well as other topics related to Federal rulemaking.

  • If you know of a listserv, electronic newsletter or RSS feed that belongs on this list, send its URL to fedreg.legal@nara.gov

Cabinet Agencies

Regulation Related Listservs, Newsletters, and RSS Feeds

Department of Agriculture

News Releases E-mail Subscriptions
Syndicated Content (RSS) Directory

Department of Defense

E-mail News Subscriptions
News Reader Feeds

Department of Energy

E-mail Updates
RSS Feeds

Department of Education

E-mail Newsletters and Journals
RSS News Feed

Department of Health and Human Services

Food and Drug Adminstration
E-mail Updates

National Institues of Health

Department of Homeland Security

Coast Guard
Rulemakings (ANPRMs, NPRMs, FRs) Listserv

Transportation Security Administration
RSS and News Feeds and E-mail Updates to TSA.gov

Department of Housing and Urban Development

E-mail Lists
RSS Feeds

Department of Justice

Department of Justice
E-mail Updates

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and Explosives
News Release E-mail Updates

Drug Enforcement Administration
E-mail Updates

Department of Labor

Department of Labor
E-mail Updates

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
QuickTakes Newsletter
RSS Feeds

Department of Transportation

Department of Transportation
E-mail Updates
News RSS Feeds

FAA Web Page Subscriptions
Use the "Subscribe to Page" link to get updates on:
Press Releases
Recently Published Rulemaking Documents

Surface Transportation Board
News E-mail List

Department of the Treasury

Department of the Treasury
E-mail Newsletter

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
E-mail Newsletters

Internal Revenue Service
e-News Subscriptions

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
E-mail List Service
News Releases RSS Feeds

Department of Veterans' Affairs

VANEWS-L E-mail Newsletter

Top of Page

Non-Cabinet Agencies

Regulation Related Listservs, Newsletters, and RSS Feeds

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Press Release E-mail Updates

Consumer Product Safety Commission

E-mail Subscription Lists
RSS Feeds

Environmental Protection Agency

Federal Register Environmental Documents Listservs

Federal Communications Commission

Daily E-mail Digest

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

E-mail Updates

Federal Reserve System

E-mail Updates

Federal Trade Commission

RSS Feeds

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Documents and Filing eSubscription
What's New RSS Feed

International Trade Commission

E-mail Updates

National Archives and Records Administration

Office of the Federal Register
Federal Register Table of Contents Listserv
Federal Register Documents on Public Inspection RSS Feed

Office of Management and Budget

RSS Feeds

Securities and Exchange Commission

News Digest RSS Feed

Small Business Administration

E-mail News and Information Alert

Social Security Administration

E-mail Updates

Surface Transportation Board

News Mailing List

United States Access Board

E-mail Updates and Subscription Lists
RSS Feeds

Top of Page

We present this list as an e-Government service of the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration. NARA does not endorse the opinions, products, or services presented on these sites, or any sites linked to them. NARA is not responsible for the legality or accuracy of their information, or for any costs incurred while using them.

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