U.S. Department of Justice

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Environmental Scan 2011
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
“Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 6th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool that is also used by corrections practitioners to inform their work in jails, prisons and community corrections. Since there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that poten... Read More
40 pages
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Offender Supervision With Electronic Technology: Community Corrections Resource, Second Edition
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
“[P]ractical information for the community corrections field [is provided in order] to make informed decisions about incorporating electronic supervision technologies” (p.10). Sections of this guidebook include: an overview of supervision with electronic technology; evidence-based practices and electronic monitoring; agency considerations—collaboration, organizational needs and capabilities, and offender selection; legal issues; development of initial policies and procedures for implementation o... Read More
244 p.
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Correctional Standards and Common Function Development for Information Management Systems
Corrections Technology Association (Tallahassee, FL).
A description, use case diagram and use case specifications are provided for the following corrections management information system (MIS) business functions: reception and commitment; sentence and time accounting; classification; caseload management; security; discipline; housing bed management; medical; grievances; programs; scheduling; investigation gang management; property; trust accounting; visitation; release and discharge; and community supervision. A glossary is provided organized acco... Read More
508 p.
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Immigration Detention: Can ICE Meet It's Legal Imperatives and Case Management Responsibilities?
By Kerwin, Donald; Lin, Serena Yi-Ying. Migration Policy Institute (MPI) (Washington, DC).
The effectiveness of ICE’s (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s) database and case tracking system is determined. Five sections follow an executive summary: introduction; background; findings regarding detainee demographic, detention facilities, length of detention, criminal charges, and trends; sufficiency of ICE information systems to meet the core agency mandates—data fields, legal standards and procedures, alternatives to detention, and national standards; and conclusion. ICE cannot f... Read More
37 p.
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Large Jail Network Meeting, September 24-26, 2008, Aurora, Colorado
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Topics discussed include: strategies for the promotion of staff to jail management positions; faith-based programs in the correctional environment—whether the pros outweigh the cons and programming; emerging technologies—radio interoperability, biometrics, global positioning system (GPS), radio frequency identification (RFID), detection, telemedicine, information sharing, and mapping; proactive discipline—maintaining organizational effectiveness and how to get people to perform for you; and an o... Read More
67 p.
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Secure Communities: A Comprehensive Plan to Identify and Remove Criminal Aliens
U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (Washington, DC).
The Secure Communities Plan "will change immigration enforcement by using technology to share information between law enforcement agencies and by applying risk-based methodologies to focus resources on assisting all local communities [to] remove high-risk criminal aliens" (p. 1). This fact sheet contains these sections: executive summary; strategic goals; overview of the Criminal Alien Program (CAP); resource overview; Level One implementation; identifying criminal aliens in the past; the way i... Read More
6 p.
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Sex Offender Residency Restrictions: How Mapping Can Inform Policy
National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to evaluate the influence of sex offender residency laws on available housing for sex offenders is explained. The publication is comprised of these sections: key points; overview; assessing the impact of residency restrictions in New Jersey, San Diego, and Hamilton County, Ohio; and conclusion -- what mapping can offer.... Read More
2 p.
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Government in 3D: How Public Leaders Can Draw on Virtual Worlds
By Wyld, David C.. IBM Center for the Business of Government (Washington, DC).
The use of virtual worlds, the "3D Internet," by government agencies and virtual worlds as a social phenomenon are explained. Sections following an executive summary are: Web 2.0 and virtual worlds; how virtual worlds can be used in government; issues facing government in implementing virtual worlds; understanding virtual worlds; Second Life -- a case study of virtual worlds; how virtual worlds are being used in other sectors; and research on and in virtual worlds.... Read More
84 p.
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Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems, 2003
By Greenspan, Owen M.; Johnson, Eric C.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC). SEARCH, The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics (Sacramento, CA); U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC).
Survey results are provided. Major findings cover criminal history files and level of disposition reporting. Detailed findings are provided for: status of State criminal history files; biometric image data; mental health-related information; protection order information; sex offender registry information; community notification services; State criminal history repository practices; disposition data; procedures to improve data quality; linking of arrests and dispositions; missing dispositions; t... Read More
158 p.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2003
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
These proceedings are comprised of: Highlights of the Meeting Sessions; Stay Awake or You Will Trip Over the Future by Tom Esensten; Video Presentation: Beyond the Myths: Jails in Your Community introduced by Virginia Hutchinson; Defining the Future and Exploring Organizational Strategies by Esensten: Future Trends and Their Impact on Jail Management by Marilyn Chandler Ford; Jail Population Growth: Sources of Growth and Stability by Allen Beck; Jail Standards and Accreditation: Are There Still ... Read More
55 p.
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Law Enforcement Tech Guide: How to Plan, Purchase and Manage Technology (Successfully!): A Guide for Executives, Managers and Technologists
By Harris, Kelly J.; Romesburg, William H.. SEARCH Group, Inc. (Sacramento, CA); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (Washington, DC).
"[S]trategies, best practices, recommendations and ideas for successful IT planning and implementation" (p. 3) are provided. This guide is divided into the following parts: seven facts to know before reading this document; build the foundation; conduct a needs analysis; create a project plan; acquire the technology; implement the technology; and maintain the technology. Descriptions of information technology and a glossary are also included.... Read More
280 p.
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Preliminary Bibliography on Technology in Corrections
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
A predominantly annotated bibliography on correctional technology provides resource information for the following categories: bar coding, AFIS, ROBOTS, and DNA; innovative computer applications; general technology; optical scanning; training technology; high-tech communication systems; counting; hair analysis; high-tech security; video monitoring in institutions; and general trends.... Read More
12 p.
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Emerging Technologies and Community Corrections
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). American Correctional Association (Laurel, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Technologies currently used in community corrections are identified, examined, and described in terms of their applications, focusing, where possible, on cost/benefits, efficacy in controlling offenders, and impact on staff, offenders, and agency operations. Issues surrounding emerging technologies are also discussed along with their implications for community corrections in policy, program development, and management practices. (p.8).... Read More
123 p.

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