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Combined Arms Research Library

Library Policies

Anyone is welcome to use the CARL collections in-house. Some restrictions apply to checking material out of the library.

To obtain a library card and check out materials, a person must be a member of the military stationed at Fort Leavenworth, a family member or a Fort Leavenworth civilian employee. Persons under the age of 18 need an adult sponsor or parent with them to obtain check-out privileges. A DOD ID card must be shown at the time of registration.

Anyone who is not a member of the Fort Leavenworth community can request permission to check out material. This request must be written and should be addressed to the library director. Approval is based on the applicability of research projects to subject matter specialties of the academic collection.

Address requests to:
Combined Arms Research Library
Attn: Director
US Army Command & General Staff College
250 Gibbon Avenue
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-2314



Material check-out periods

  • Most books are checked out for three months to faculty and students, two weeks for community members and retirees.
  • Books can be renewed three times, online or in person. Phone renewals will no longer be accepted.
  • Documents are checked out for two weeks.
  • Magazines are checked out for two weeks (back issues only).
  • Entertainment & Children's DVD’s are checked out for five days and are limited to three DVD’s per account.
  • Educational DVD’s are checked out for five days and are limited to three educational DVD's per account.
  • Archives/Special Collections material may not be checked out.
  • Missing, Recalled, and Seriously Overdue Items: To keep in accordance with AR 735--17, Accounting for Library Materials, failure to respond to recall notices or overdue notices within the time limits specified and/or failure to pay for materials lost by the borrower may result in suspension of library privileges to include borrowing of further materials, use of databases and other services. Library privileges are restored after recalled or overdue items are returned or payment is made for lost items.

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Borrower Checkout And Account Information -- Quick Guide

SAMS Fellows
Most Books - 3 Months
Recreational Books & Audio - 2 weeks
DVD's - 5 days
Books - 3 times 100 items from the general collection
50 items from the recreational collections
3 Recreational DVDs
3 Educational DVDs
3 Audio CDs
3 Cassettes
3 Playaways
Community Members,
Most Books - 2 weeks
Recreational Books & Audio - 2 weeks
DVD's - 5 days
Books - 3 times 20 items from the general collection
50 items from the recreational collections
3 Recreational DVDs
3 Educational DVDs
3 Audio CDs
3 Cassettes
3 Playaways
TDY Personnel Check out period is up to but not to exceed the end of the TDY period Books - 3 times 10 items from all item types

Other Information

General collections: Books or items from the main collection, multiple copy, SAMS, course reserves, instructional DVDs, UFMCS, and SAMS Fellows collections.

Recreational collections: Books that include McNaughton bestsellers, new books, children’s, fiction, science fiction, mystery,young adult, audio CDs and audio tapes may be borrowed for 2 weeks and renewals may be authorized prior to or upon expiration.

Recalls: Requesting books currently checked out to another user. All books are subject to recall after they have been borrowed for 14 days. When returned, these books go into a ‘hold’ status.

Holds: Only books without any copies available on the shelves will be processed for holds. It will be kept at the circulation desk for 7 days for pickup.

Accounts: All library accounts except TDY accounts are valid for 1 year from creation and must be renewed in person.

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Internet Access Policy

Internet access is provided to meet informational needs and support mission goals of the Fort Leavenworth community.

Be aware that not all information on the Internet is accurate or current. The Library is not liable for its content or for copyright violations by Internet users.

There are adult oriented resources and information which may be regarded as controversial or inappropriate. Parent or legal guardian, not the Combined Arms Research Library, is responsible for supervising children's Internet access.


1. Patrons are to use Internet access on a first come, first served basis, except when mission needs take priority. Patrons are limited to use of one computer at a time.

2. According to Joint Ethics Regulation 2-301a(2)(d), Use of Federal Government Resources. "Do not put Federal Government Communications systems to uses that would reflect adversely on DoD or the DoD Component (such as uses involving pornography; chain letters; unofficial advertising; soliciting or selling except on authorized bulletin boards established for such use;)"

3. No time limit is set for Internet access but patrons are required to make computer available within 30 minutes after they are informed that another patron is waiting.

4. Patrons may print information within reasonable constraints. Library recommends saving information to diskettes or cds.

5. Misuse of Internet access or tampering with computer equipment will result in the loss of Internet access privileges.

Wireless Internet Access

Wireless Internet access is provided to meet informational needs and support mission goals of the Fort Leavenworth community.


1. According to Joint Ethics Regulation 2-301a(2)(d), Use of Federal Government Resources. "Do not put Federal Government Communications systems to uses that would reflect adversely on DoD or the DoD Component (such as uses involving pornography; chain letters; unofficial advertising; soliciting or selling except on authorized bulletin boards established for such use)" Because access to the network is government-provided, even if the equipment is personally owned, use is governed by this regulation.

2. Patrons will not be able to print through the wireless network.

3. Misuse of Internet access will result in the loss of Internet access privileges.

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The CARL has rules and guidelines to protect all who use the library. Library staff may require a patron to leave the premises, call the police or bar a patron from the library for noncompliance.


Have fun. The library is a great place to explore.
Ask questions. Questions are our specialty. If you need help, PLEASE ASK!!
Be considerate. Remember there are others using the library as well.


Alcohol or illegal drugs may not be brought into the library, nor may persons under the influence of either use the library.


Only animals trained to assist disabled individuals are permitted in the library.


Please leave the library promptly at closing time.


Disorderly conduct is not acceptable. Disorderly conduct is (1) brawling or fighting; (2) disturbing an assembly; or (3) engaging in offensive, obscene, abusive, boisterous, harassing, or noisy actions or using offensive, obscene, or abusive language which may harass or arouse alarm, anger, or resentment in others.


Shoes or sandals and shirts should be worn in the library.


When the alarm sounds, please follow staff directions promptly.


Food or beverages may be brought into the library. Eating or drinking is not allowed while using library materials or working on the computers. You are responsible for disposing of your trash and if an accident does occur please contact a staff member for assistance if needed.


Offensive or abusive language is not acceptable.


The library is a quiet environment. Audible use of radios, CD players, or other electronic devices is not allowed in the library.


For the safety of all patrons, please do not run in the library.


Carry skateboards and remove skates while in the library.


The use of all forms of tobacco is prohibited in the library.


The public is not permitted behind the public service desks or in other non-public areas.


Please limit use of the public telephone to three minutes if someone is waiting. Staff will make one call for a patron in an emergency if the public telephone is not available.


Persons intentionally damaging and/or defaces materials, furnishings, equipment or premises, or attempts theft, the library reserves the right to bar them from the facility and the Fort Leavenworth Military Police will be called. Clipping coupons, cutting articles out of magazines, removing pages from any books or magazines, hacking or altering computer settings, writing on, scratching or in any way damaging materials, furniture, or premises are included in this policy.


If the security gates sound an alarm as you exit, you must return to the checkout desk to verify that staff handled the materials properly.


The Combined Arms Research Library facilities are designed for use by members of the Fort Leavenworth community, which includes all assigned military, students, faculty, staff, family members, contractors, and visitors. The CARL welcomes and encourages children to use its facilities, materials, programs and services while accompanying a parent or adult caregiver. Parents or adult caregivers should be aware that the library's collection of materials and unfiltered Internet access is designed to meet the research and curricular needs of its primary users, adults. Children under the age of six are not allowed to use the computers.

Parents and legal guardians are reminded, however, that libraries are open, public buildings and the well being and safety of young children left alone or unattended is a matter of concern. For these reasons, parents or adult caregivers must recognize their responsibilities for the safety and security of children in their care.

In accordance with Fort Leavenworth, CAC Policy 1405-Supervision of Children, and in order to provide for the general welfare of children, and for the benefit of all those using the Library, the following rules are in effect:

1. Children under 10 must be under the supervision of an adult* who assumes responsibility for him or her while in the Library. (*an adult is defined to be a person who is at least age 18.) If the responsible individual cannot be located in the building, the proper authorities will be contacted to assume responsibility for the child.

2. Parents and adults must monitor all activities and behavior of their children while they are in the library and are responsible for any damage to property done by the child.

3. Any patron creating a disturbance, regardless of age, will be asked to leave the library. If the person involved is underage, and parents or guardian can not be reached, Military Police will be called to take custody of him/her.

4. It may be necessary for a library to close, without prior notice, due to unusual or emergency situations. Unaccompanied children 18 years and younger who cannot transport themselves must be able to reach a parent or responsible caregiver for immediate pick-up in case of emergency.

5. If a child is left unattended in the library or in the event of an emergency situation, staff will attempt to notify parents or guardian, and then notify Military Police. The Library assumes no liability for unaccompanied children.

6. Military Police will also be notified if an unaccompanied child is in the Library at closing [staff on duty should remain in the building with the child until she/he is picked up by an officer]. Staff members will not transport a child nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person's car.

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Last Reviewed: May 9, 2012

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