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Coffee Break Training

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Fire and emergency medical services personnel with busy daily schedules often don't have time to attend valuable skill-enhancing training sessions, so the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) is providing Coffee Break Training bulletins for you to read and enjoy during your daily break. These one-page training notices, with a new one posted every week, provide technical training and administrative tips. Each notice includes a photograph or drawing that illustrates the point of the training lesson. You can also earn valuable Continuing Education Units (CEU) by completing the quarterly Coffee Break Training self-assessments.

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Fire Protection

PDF, 165 KbAutomatic Sprinklers: Water Spray Distribution Patterns (10/2/12, PDF, 165 Kb)

Fire Prevention & Public Education

PDF, 346 KbTransforming Your Department's Response With Electronic Pre-Incident Planning (4/26/12, PDF, 346 Kb)

Training Programs

PDF, 158 KbWhat Is Human Performance Technology? Part 2 of 2 (6/14/12, PDF, 158 Kb)

Command and Control

PDF, 152 KbUnited States National Grid (9/17/12, PDF, 152 Kb)

Responder Health and Safety

PDF, 402 KbEmergency Incident Personnel Rehabilitation (3/28/12, PDF, 402 Kb)


Special Features

Related Topics

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