U.S. Department of Justice

Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS)

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jul. 02, 2008

Library ID

  • 023142

Other Information

  • 2008
  • 1 pages.

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ANNOTATION: Information is provided at this website by the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS). Points of entry are: about the center; trauma and disaster -- world trauma, disaster, armed conflict and war, terror, and preparedness; about you -- you, military community, military children and families, disaster community, disaster workers, and law enforcement; fact sheets -- disaster and terrorism, military health, law enforcement, and children and families; resources -- interviews (post 9/11 and disaster and military psychiatry), articles and reports -- terrorism preparedness, disaster psychiatry, military psychiatry, treatment guidelines, and workplace; research -- clinical and research tools and "Advancing Research Standards for PTSD interventions"; books; CDS; public education; and conferences.

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