U.S. Department of Justice

Performance Audit of Pennsylvania Correctional Industries of the Department of Corrections

Publication year: 2005 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 020863

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  • 2005
  • 63 pages.

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  • Performance Audit of Pennsylvania Correctional Industries of the Department of Corrections

ANNOTATION: The effectiveness of Pennsylvania Correctional Industries (PCI), a state-run prison business, in planning efforts and managing operations is assessed, while identifying obstacles to mission statement fulfillment and operational efficiency. This audit is comprised of the following sections: results in brief (executive summary); introduction and background; objectives and methodology; seven findings and recommendations; and observation. Appendixes include: results of surveys of potential PCI customers and existing and former PCI customers; and responses from the DOC. PCI "let sales slide, charged higher prices, and used irregular accounting to help its own Department of Corrections" (p. iv).

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