U.S. Department of Justice

Capital Punishment, 2007 -- Statistical Tables

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Feb. 17, 2009

Library ID

  • 023561


Other Information

  • 2008
  • 35 pages.

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ANNOTATION: Characteristics of individuals sentenced to die as of December 31, 2007 along with those individuals executed during 2006 are presented. These tables provide information about: capital offenses, by state, 2007; method of execution, by state, 2007; federal capital offenses, 2007; prisoners under sentence of death, by region, state, and race, 2006 and 2007; demographic characteristics of prisoners under sentence of death, 2007; Hispanics and women under sentence of death, by state, 2006 and 2007; age at time of arrest for capital offense and age of prisoners under sentence of death at yearend 2007; criminal history profile for prisoners under sentence of death, by race and Hispanic origin, 2007; number of persons executed by jurisdiction, 1930-2007; executions and other dispositions of inmates sentenced to die, by race and Hispanic origin, 1977-2007; time under sentence of death and execution, by race, 1977-2007; women under sentence of death, by race and state, 12/31/07; persons under sentence of death, by gender, race, and Hispanic origin, 12/31/07; number of inmates received under sentence of death, 1995-2007; number of persons executed, 1977-2007; number of persons executed, by race, Hispanic origin, and method, 1977-2007; elapsed time since sentencing for inmates under sentence of death on 12/31/07, by gender, race, and Hispanic origin; and advance count of executions for 2008.

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