The Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Visibility Union (MANE-VU) was formed by the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states, tribes, and federal agencies to coordinate regional haze planning activities for the region. MANE-VU was formed to encourage a coordinated approach to meeting the requirements of EPAs regional haze rules and reducing visibility impairment in major national parks and wilderness areas in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. MANE-VU provides technical assessments and assistance to its members, evaluates linkages to other regional air pollution issues, provides a forum for discussion, and encourages coordinated actions. MANE-VU also facilitates coordination with other regions. MANE-VUs structure includes a board comprised of state and tribal Commissioners/Secretaries, air program directors and two committees comprised of agency personnel: a Technical Support committee to assess the nature of regional haze, the sources that contribute to regional haze and the technical tools that states will use to develop their programs and a Communications Committee to develop outreach messages and approaches. Real-time pictures of vistas

Acadia National Park, Maine
Current Photo of Acadia N.P.


Boston, Massachusetts
Current Photo of Boston, MA


Burlington, Vermont
Current Photo of Burlington, VT


Hartford, Connecticut
Current Photo of Acadia N.P.


Mt. Washington, New Hampshire
Current Photo of Mt. Washington, NH


Newark/NYC, New York
Current Photo of Mt. Washington, NH

These photos are courtesy of CAMNET.

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