House Administration Adopts Subcommittee Assignments

Jan 25, 2011

Committee on House Administration Creates New Subcommittee on Oversight to Identify and Reduce Wasteful Spending and Increase Efficiency within House Operations

WASHINGTON – Today, the Committee on House Administration, led by Chairman Dan Lungren, R-Calif., formally adopted assignments for the Committee’s Subcommittee on Elections and the newly created Subcommittee on Oversight – created to identify and reduce wasteful spending within House operations. The subcommittee assignments are as follows:

Subcommittee on Elections

• Rep. Gregg Harper (MS), Chairman
• Rep. Aaron Schock (IL)
• Rep. Richard Nugent (FL)
• Rep. Todd Rokita (IN)

Subcommittee on Oversight

• Rep. Phil Gingrey, M.D. (GA) – Chairman
• Rep. Aaron Schock (IL)
• Rep. Richard Nugent (FL)
• Rep. Todd Rokita (IN)

• Rep. Robert Brady (PA) - Ranking Member
• Rep. Charles Gonzalez (TX)

• Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA) – Ranking Member
• Rep. Charles Gonzalez (TX)

Having served two terms as California’s attorney general, security has been and remains a paramount issue for Chairman Lungren. Thus, Lungren has decided to eliminate the Committee’s Subcommittee on Security and handle all security issues at the full Committee level.