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Manufacturing Energy Measures Nominal Economic Demand Indicators   Economic Demand Indicators 
(1998 Dollars)
Economic and Physical Demand Indicators for Selected Industries*

Manufacturing First Use
 (Site Energy)

 Value of Shipments

 Value of Shipments

Forest Products Chemicals

Fuel Consumption 
(Site Energy)

Value of Production Value of Production Petroleum Steel

Off-Site Produced  
(Site Energy)

Capacity-Adjusted Value of Production Capacity-Adjusted Value of Production Aluminum Metal Casting

Nonfuel Consumption  
(Site Energy)

Value Added Value Added

Manufacturing First Use
 ( Primary Energy) 

Gross Output Gross Output
Fuel Consumption 
(Primary Energy)
Industrial Production Industrial Production
* Industries selected where physical
 demand indicators are readily available.


Gross Domestic Product Gross Domestic Product


Manufacturing Site Energy

Blue BulletTable 1a.  First Use for All Purposes (Site Energy) for Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Trillion Btu) [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 1b.  Fuel Consumption (Site Energy) for Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Trillion Btu)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 1c.  Off-Site Produced (Site Energy) for Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Trillion Btu)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 1d.  Nonfuel Consumption (Site Energy) for Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Trillion Btu)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Manufacturing Primary Energy

Blue BulletTable 2a.  First Use for All Purposes (Primary Energy) by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Trillion Btu)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 2b.  Fuel Consumption (Primary Energy) by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Trillion Btu) [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Economic Demand Indicators (Nominal)

Blue BulletTable 3a. Value of Shipments by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Current Billion Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 3b. Value of Production by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Current Billion Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 3c.  Capacity-Adjusted Value of Production by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Current Billion Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 3d. Value Added by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Current Billion Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 3e. Gross Output by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Current Billion Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 3f. Industrial Production by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Current Billion Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 3g. Gross Domestic Product by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Current Billion Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Economic Demand Indicators (1998 Dollars)

Blue BulletTable 4a. Value of Shipments by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 ( Billion 1998 Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 4b. Value of Production by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 ( Billion 1998 Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 4c.  Capacity-Adjusted Value of Production by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Billion 1998 Dollars)   [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 4d. Value Added by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Billion 1998 Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 4e. Gross Output by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Billion 1998 Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]
Blue BulletTable 4f. Industrial Production by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Billion 1998 Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 4g. Gross Domestic Product by Selected Industries, 1985-1998 (Billion 1998 Dollars)  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Economic and Physical Demand Indicators for Selected Industries

Blue BulletTable 5a. Economic and Physical Indicators for the Forest Products Industry, 1985-1998   [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 5b. Economic and Physical Indicators for the Petroleum Industry, 1985-1998  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 5c. Economic and Physical Indicators for the Aluminum Industry, 1985-1998  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 5d. Economic and Physical Indicators for the Chemical Industry, 1985-1998  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 5e. Economic and Physical Indicators for the Steel Industry, 1985-1998  [HTML   XLS   PDF]

Blue BulletTable 5f.  Economic and Physical Indicators for the Metal Casting, 1985-1998 [HTML   XLS   PDF]

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For specific questions about the "Manufacturing Sector Energy Trend Data", 
please contact:

Stephanie J. Battles

Phone: 202-586-7237
Fax:  202-586-0018

For specific questions about the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey, please contact:

 Robert Adler, Survey Manager

Phone: 202-586-1134
 Fax:  202-586-0018


Release Date:  August 7, 2003 

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