Measurement : Virtual temperature

The virtual temperature Tv = T(1 + rv/{epsilon}), where rv is the mixing ratio, and {epsilon} is the ratio of the gas constants of air and water vapor ( 0.622).

Atmospheric State


The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler
    • RWP : Radar Wind Profiler
    • 50RWP : Radar Wind Profiler (50 MHz)
  • External Instruments
    • ISSRWP : 915RWP Derived Data with Sonde at Altitude
    • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data
    • WPDN : Wind Profiler Demo Network
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • ISSRWP : 915RWP Derived Data with Sonde at Altitude
    • CESSNA-404-ARA : Airborne Research Australia Cessna 404
    • ARA-DIMONA : Airborne Research Australia Dimona Aircraft Laser Altimeter and Fluxes
    • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler
    • RWP : Radar Wind Profiler
    • 50RWP : Radar Wind Profiler (50 MHz)

Value-Added Products

  • RWPTEMP : RWP-Based Virtual Temperature Profile (Process)
    • RWPTEMP : Radar Wind Profilers (RWP), 50 and 915 MHZ: virtual temperature profiles


  • WPDN : Wind Profiler Demo Network Datastreams
    • 06FSLWPDNRASS : Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN): 6-min RASS data
    • 60FSLWPDNRASS : Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN): RASS data, 60-min
    • 60WPDNRASS : Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN): RASS virtual temperature data, 60-min
  • RWP : Radar Wind Profiler Datastreams
    • 915RWPTEMPMOM : 915-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP915): temperature moments
    • 915RWPTEMPCON : 915-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP915): temperature consensus data
    • 915RWPTEMP : 915-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP915): virtual temperature profile data
  • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data Datastreams
    • FSLRUC60 : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: FSL output, 60 km resolution
  • 50RWP : Radar Wind Profiler (50 MHz) Datastreams
    • 50RWPTEMPMOM : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RSP50): temperature moments
    • 50RWPTEMPCON : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): consensus temperature data
    • 50RWPTEMP : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): virtual temperature profile data
  • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems Datastreams
    • 30CO2FLX4M : Eddy Correlation CO2 Flux Data: 4 m samples, 30-min stats
    • 30CO2FLX60M : Eddy Correlation CO2 Flux Data: 60 m samples, 30-min avg
    • 30CO2FLX25M : Eddy Correlation CO2 Flux Data: 25 m samples, 30-min stats
    • 30CO2FLX4MMET : Eddy Correlation CO2 Flux Data: 4 m samples, meteorological data, 30-min stats
  • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler Datastreams
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer data (MWR Profiles - QME), water vapor, temp, cloud liquid water, precip water retrievals