Measurement : Aerosol optical properties

The optical properties of aerosols, including asymmetry factor, phase-function, single-scattering albedo, refractive index, and backscatter fraction.



The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • AOS-PMFOV : Acoustical Optical Spectrometer-Photometer with Multiple Fields of View
    • AOD : Aerosol Optical Depth, derived from MFRSR/NIMFR
    • CSPHOT : Cimel Sunphotometer
    • CPI : Cloud Particle Imager
    • DRUM-AEROSOL : Drum Aerosol Sampler
    • AEROSOL-TOWER-EML : EML Tower based Aerosol Measurements
    • MFRSR-WV1BARN : MFRSR Water-Vapor Barnard Algorithm
    • MPL-AIR : Micropulse Lidar- Airborne
    • CADENZA : NASA-Ames Cadenza Cavity Ring-Down Instrument
    • NEPHELOMETER : Nephelometer
    • UW-CONVAIR580 : University of Washington Convair 580 Aircraft
    • WRF-CHEM : Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Output

Value-Added Products

  • AEROSOLBE : Aerosol Best Estimate (Process)
  • AIP : Aerosol Intensive Properties (Process)
    • AIP1OGREN : Derived: Aerosol intensive properties from AOS, Delene and Ogren et al, 2001
    • AIPAVG1OGREN : Derived: Hourly Averages of Aerosol intensive properties from AOS, Delene and Ogren et al, 2001
  • RIPBE : Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate (Process)
    • RIPBE1MCFARLANE : Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate profiles derived with first McFarlane algorithm


  • CSPHOT : Cimel Sunphotometer Datastreams
    • CSPHOTALM1DUBO : Cimel Sunphotometer (CSPHOT): Dubovik almucantar retrievals
    • CSPHOTPFN1 : Cimel Sunphotometer (CSPHOT): Aerosol phase functions derived from almucantar sky radiances