

Accepting applications through November 16, 2012.

GreenGov is looking to spotlight the collaborative efforts that are helping the Federal Government achieve the energy and sustainability goals and targets in Executive Order 13514 Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance.

A Spotlight Community exists when multiple Federal partners (facilities, installations, offices, or teams), located near each other, are working together on an E.O. 13514-related project, such as improved fleet management, renewable energy production and use, or enhanced water conservation.

A Spotlight Community also demonstrates the benefit of Federal agencies leading by example and working with neighbors and stakeholders, including state and local government entities, area businesses, and non-profit organizations, to help achieve a goal or target under E.O. 13514.

The GreenGov Spotlight Communities may be in any phase of coordination, from concept development to measurement and reporting successes as part of their energy and sustainability programs.

For more information about the new GreenGov Spotlight Communities program, program benefits, eligibility requirements, and how you can apply, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact greengov@fedcenter.gov.

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E.O. 13514 Section 15: Section 15 Regional Coordination charges the Federal Environmental Executive to develop and implement a regional implementation plan to support the goals of E.O. 13514, taking into account the energy and environmental priorities of particular regions of the United States.
Last Updated: October 04, 2012