USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Malaria

Germany’s Renewed Support: Another Leap Forward for the Global Fund

Alongside the Global Fund’s new Executive Director Mark Dybul and Bill Gates, German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Dirk Niebel announces Germany’s EUR 1 billion commitment to the Global Fund at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos. Photo credit: The Global Fund

USAID, through PEPFAR, and alongside many donor countries such as Germany, has been a strong supporter of the Global Fund to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Read more >>

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Remembering my 5th Birthday

On my 5th birthday, I was surrounded by the love of my family, and of course, enjoyed a delicious home-made birthday cake made by my mother.  Everyone came to celebrate my day, showering me with gifts (I’m told a Barbie play set was involved), to show me how important I was in their lives.  While it [...]

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U.S. and Russia Explore Cooperation on the Global Fight against Malaria

Last week, I travelled to Russia with Dr. Bernard Nahlen, the Deputy Coordinator of the President’s Malaria Initiative. We had very productive talks with the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Martinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine. We discussed potential U.S. – Russian cooperation in the global fight against malaria. [...]

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Delivering Nets to those who Need them Most

The following post is by Amanda Makulec, Monitoring and Evaluation Associate, John Snow, Inc. Malaria continues to be one of the leading causes of child deaths around the world, despite the availability of low cost interventions to prevent those deaths. According to USAID, the disease causes an estimated 700,000 deaths annually, with nearly 90% of [...]

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Malaria Takes Stage at the Social Good Summit in NYC

As featured on MCHIP Throughout the first two days of the Social Good Summit, hosted by Mashable, the UN Foundation, 92Y, and Ericsson, malaria has been making headlines. The disease is ripe for its time in the limelight. Preventable through simple, cost effective solutions and the recent subject of a high profile study validating the [...]

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This Week at USAID – September 12, 2011

Administrator Raj Shah participates in a panel discussion about “Leveraging Malaria Platforms to Improve Family Health” during the The Summit to Save Lives, which is presented by the George W. Bush Institute. Later in the week, Administrator Shah heads to Haiti to meet with USAID Mission staff and to visit an agricultural training center. The [...]

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How a Simple Memo Protected Mothers and Children from Malaria

Megan Fotheringham, Public Health Advisor, President’s Malaria Initiative In the developing world, pregnancy is a dangerous time for women. In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria poses a major threat to the health of pregnant women and their developing babies; each year nearly 32 million pregnant women are at risk from this deadly disease. The dangers, which occur [...]

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Mobilizing Against Malaria in Africa

USAID and the Peace Corps celebrated World Malaria Day by announcing a collaboration to help reduce the burden of malaria in Africa.  Here’s a rundown of the event from guest blogger Ben Brophy of the Malaria Policy Center. Dr. Rajiv Shah, USAID Administrator, Aaron S. Williams, Peace Corps Director, and Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer, U.S. [...]

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World Malaria Day: Celebrating Progress Against a Preventable and Curable Disease

By Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer, U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator Over the past four years I have had the privilege of serving as Coordinator of the President’s Malaria Initiative. The initiative is led by USAID and implemented together with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Our goal is to reduce malaria illnesses and death by [...]

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USAID’s Battleground: Expanding Access and Strengthening Health Systems

Administrator Shah: “Our experience with GHI has made it clear: our largest opportunities to improve human health do not lie in optimizing services to the 20% of people in the developing world currently reached by health systems; they lie in extending our reach to the 80% who lack access to health facilities. That is where the [...]

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