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inTransition Web Training for Providers

Upcoming Web Training

Stay tuned for information on future web training from inTransition.

If you have any questions about the web training please contact:

Past Web Training

Feb. 22, 2011
6 - 7 p.m. CT

International inTransition Services

Click here to access video and audio from the February 2011 inTransition web training for providers.

Jan. 18, 2011
3 - 4 p.m. CT

The inTransition Program: Maintaining Continuity of Care Across Transitions

This is part of the continuing series of Web training for the inTransition program. In this session you will learn how inTransition provides service members who currently receive mental health treatment support as they transfer between health care systems or providers. The Web training will provide an overview of inTransition and the policy behind the program, the referral process, and how the program assists providers in achieving continuity of care.

Dec. 15, 2010
11 - 12 p.m. CT

The inTransition Program: The Role of the inTransition Coach

This is part of the continuing series of web trainings for the inTransition program. In this session you will learn how inTransition coaches bridge the gaps in mental health service by proactively coaching and providing telephonic support to service members who are currently going through a transition. inTransition coaches empower service members through resources, education and motivational coaching support to improve their psychological and overall wellness. The goal of inTransition is to increase the likelihood that service members will take action and remain engaged in and committed to their recovery.

Click here to access video and audio from the December 2010 inTransition web training for providers.

August 19, 2010
2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CT

This training will address why the program exists, what services are included, how inTransition assists with continuity of care and how to make referrals to the program. The training is intended for military health care professionals. Service members do not need to attend the training in order to have access to these services. Dr. Lolita O'Donnell from DCoE invites all providers to attend to learn about the program. This web training will be available from 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CT on August 19. Click on the link below to register. Once you register you will receive a confirmation email with the access information.

Click here to access video and audio from the August 2010 inTransition web training for providers.

April 2010

This 15-minute training addresses why the program exists, what services are included, how inTransition assists with continuity of care, and how to make referrals to the program. The training is intended for military and veterans health care professionals who treat mental health conditions. (Service members do not need to attend the training in order to have access to inTransition services.)

Click here to access video and audio from the April 2010 inTransition web training for providers.

The PowerPoint presentation used in the web training can also be downloaded via this link by highlighting the file in the upper left corner of the screen and clicking “Save to My Computer:”

Return to this website for information about live web training planned for the future. If you have any questions about the web training, please contact:

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