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  • Working on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths

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Press Center

300 Muslim Advocates, Allies, Members of Congress, and Leaders Gather at the Supreme Court to Declare #WeWillNotBeBanned

June 26, 2018 1:33 PM

Washington, DC – Today, immediately following the atrocious Supreme Court decision in Trump v. State of Hawai’i – the lawsuit…Read More

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Photo of Donald Trump at a rally

Muslim Advocates Releases “A Record of Bigotry and Hate: Donald Trump’s Long History of Anti-Muslim Animus”

June 19, 2018 1:37 PM

Washington, DC – Today, Muslim Advocates released an issue brief providing  comprehensive documentation of Donald Trump’s long and extensive history…Read More

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Latest Update

As Ramadan Draws to a Close, Florida Detention Center Silent on Muslims’ Right to Observe Holy Month

June 13, 2018 1:22 PM

Washington, DC – The following are statements from Muslim Advocates and Americans for Immigrant Justice regarding the lack of response…Read More

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Know Your Rights

“Got Rights? Protecting Yourself & Your Family At Home & The Airport”

In Focus

Our report exposes the breadth of anti-Muslim hate online with examples from leading social media platforms, provides an overview of existing laws governing hate speech, and offers steps that Internet users can take to respond effectively to hate speech online: namely, reporting and counterspeech. ...Read More

The federal government’s current initiatives to counter violent extremism (CVE) in the United States focus mainly on Muslim communities even though only a small fraction of acts of extremist violence is carried out by Muslims. ...Read More

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