Global logo Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global)

The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) serves as a Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) and advises the U.S. Attorney General on justice information sharing and integration initiatives. Global was created to support the broad scale exchange of pertinent justice and public safety information. It promotes standards-based electronic information exchange to provide the justice community with timely, accurate, complete, and accessible information in a secure and trusted environment.
Global is a ''group of groups,'' representing more than 30 independent organizations, spanning the spectrum of law enforcement, judicial, correctional, and related bodies. Member organizations participate in Global with a shared responsibility and shared belief that, together, they can bring about positive change by making recommendations and supporting the initiatives of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). (Read more...)


February 15th—Palo Alto Police Chief Hosts A “Virtual Ride-Along”

2/15/2013 8:00 AM

Image of a palm computer
In what may be a first among the nation's police chiefs, Chief Dennis Burns of the Palo Alto Police Department, California, will be hitting the beat this Friday night, February 15, 2013, in his very own "virtual ride-along" via Twitter. Starting at 2 p.m. and running for 12 hours, Palo Alto Police Chief Dennis Burns will don a uniform and get behind the wheel of a patrol car to help his officers handle calls, patrol neighborhoods, and investigate crimes. A member of the Public Information Officer team will be riding with him and live-tweeting calls for service, crimes in progress, arrests, vehicle accidents, and anything else that may come up during the course of the shift on the official Department Twitter account, @PaloAltoPolice. “My goal is to give everyone insight into the realities of policing in Palo Alto and also to bring attention to our social media channels. In the event of a disaster or widespread critical incident, we want people to turn to our social media outlets for emergency information.” Twitter users can ask questions during the ride-along, and the team will answer questions as time allows. They estimate sending between 100 and 250 tweets during the twelve-hour ride-along, depending on the volume of calls of service and the level of engagement with the public.

TSA to Network Boarding Pass Scanners to Terrorist Watch List

2/13/2013 8:00 AM

U.S. Department of Homeland Security logo
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) plans to roll out fraudulent document technology scanners to airports which will be networked with the no-fly list. The scanners are meant to replace the current system in which a TSA officer called the "travel document checker" looks intently at a boarding pass and passenger identification under ultraviolent light before scrawling an assent for the passenger to proceed. In a January 18, 2013, privacy impact assessment, TSA says it plans to connect the scanners to watch lists via its Secure Flight program, which matches passenger data to databases of suspected terrorists. TSA announced a three U.S. airports pilot of the scanners--dubbed the Credential Authentication Technology/Boarding Pass Scanning System--in April 2012.

Virginia Releases Emergency Preparation Smartphone App

2/12/2013 8:00 AM

Palm Computer image
Virginia has gone mobile in its effort to keep citizens informed about statewide emergencies and disaster planning. The Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) launched the Ready Virginia mobile app earlier this month, featuring a variety of notification and planning amenities that can be used in the event of a flood, hurricane, or other catastrophe. The app includes location-specific weather watches and warnings and flood information issued by the National Weather Service; disaster news from the VDEM; maps detailing where open American Red Cross shelters are; evacuation routes and storm surge zones; a template to create family emergency plans; and various informational links.

NASCIO Releases Federal Priorities: Modernizing Regulations, Cybersecurity, and Collaboration are Essential for States

2/11/2013 8:00 AM

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has released 2013 Federal Advocacy Priorities. Through this report, NASCIO hopes to put a spotlight on modernizing outdated federal rules and regulations, bolstering nation’s cybersecurity, building a public safety broadband network, and pushing greater collaboration to expand the maturity and use of information exchange models and secure identities in cyberspace. With technology and telecommunications evolving faster than federal rules and regulations, NASCIO is looking to work with federal partners to ensure citizens’ tax dollars are not being wasted due to regulations that do not complement current technologies and best practices in information technology management.

How Do I...?


(MP3, 2.8 MB, Length 2:58)

12/16/2009 11:59:23 AM

GAC Chairman Boehmer and Vice Chairman Wicklund reemphasize the fact that the U.S. DOJ’s Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative is a for practitioner, by practitioner collaboration addressing justice business problems through more effective, more efficient information sharing for colleagues at all levels of government, across the justice and public-safety landscape. If you are a justice executive or practitioner, YOU are Global, so get involved! Contact or visit to learn more about participation opportunities.

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(MP3, 1.4 MB, Length 1:27)

12/2/2009 11:59:34 AM

Chairman Boehmer discusses how intelligence sharing efforts over recent years– supported by fundamental Global-supported resources (such as the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan and Fusion Center Guidelines: Law Enforcement Intelligence, Public Safety, and the Private Sector) have yielded unprecedented successes through partnerships of state, local, and tribal entities with Federal initiatives, with an emphasis reciprocal, "two-way sharing."

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