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OELA: Office of English Language Acquisition
Current Section  Programs/Initiatives
Programs and Initiatives

National Professional Development program
(CFDA#84.195N and 84.365Z)

The National Professional Development discretionary grants program provides professional development activities intended to improve instruction for limited English proficient (LEP) students and assists education personnel working with such children to meet high professional standards.

Native American and Alaska Native Children in School program
(CFDA# 84.365C)

The Native American and Alaska Native Children in School discretionary grants program provides grants for eligible entities that support language instruction projects for limited English proficient (LEP) children from Native American, Alaska Native, native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander backgrounds. The program is designed to ensure that LEP children master English and meet the same rigorous standards for academic achievement that all children are expected to meet. Funds may support the study of Native American languages.

Foreign Language Assistance program (CFDA#84.293A) (84.293B) and (84.293C)

The Foreign Language Assistance discretionary grants program, also known as FLAP, holds the distinction as the only federally funded program that exclusively targets foreign language instruction in elementary and secondary schools. Funded under Title V of the No Child Left Behind Act (2001), FLAP provides grants to states and local school districts to establish, improve, or expand innovative kindergarten through grade twelve model programs. (PLEASE NOTE: FUNDING FOR THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM WAS ELIMINATED IN THE FINAL FISCAL YEAR 2012 BUDGET ENACTED BY CONGRESS. THERE IS NO 2012 NEW COMPETITION AND NO CONTINUED FUNDING FOR CURRENT GRANTEES.)

  • Foreign Language Assistance program (LEA with IHE)

FLAP (84.293A) Abstracts

FLAP (84.293A) Awards


Funding for the FLAP was eleminated in the final FY2012 Budget enacted by Congress. There is no 2012 new competition and no continued funding for current grantees.

English Language Acquisition State Grants Program
(CFDA 84.365A)

The English Lanaguage Acquisition State Grants program was moved to the Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA) in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. This program is managed through collaboration of OESE with OELA to ensure continuous communication and to maximize internal expertise.

Funding Updates

US Department of Education Grants Forecast This document lists programs and competitions which the Department expects to invite applications for new awards and provides actual or estimated deadline dates for the transmittal of applications under these programs.

Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs This is a searchable database of the programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Register This directory contains documents published in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Education.

ED Discretionary and Formula Grant Awards Database Database contains information on discretionary and formula grants made from FY 2002 - FY 2005. Database has multiple methods for searching, viewing, and downloading data about awards.

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Last Modified: 06/12/2012