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October 19, 2012 to April 28, 2013

American Spirits: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition

Step back in time to an era of flappers and suffragists, bootleggers and temperance lobbyists, and real-life legends like Al Capone and Carry Nation.

September 28, 2012 to February 24, 2013

Palaces for the People: Guastavino and America’s Great Public Spaces

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Boston Public Library partner to present the first major exhibition on the Guastavino Company and its architectural and historical legacy.

September 11, 2012 to January 6, 2013

I Have Seen the Future: Norman Bel Geddes Designs America

I Have Seen the Future: Norman Bel Geddes Designs America explores the career of American stage and industrial designer, futurist and urban planner Norman Bel Geddes (1893-1958).

September 11, 2012 to January 6, 2013

Echoes of the Past: The Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan

Echoes of the Past unites a group of imposing sculptures from the Northern Qi period (550-577 CE) Buddhist cave temple complex at Xiangtangshan in northern China with a full-scale, digital, 3-D reconstruction of the interior of one of the site's impressive caves.

September 1, 2012 to October 20, 2012

Our Lives, Our Stories: America's Greatest Generation

Our Lives, Our Stories explores the life arc of a single generation—the stories of their lives, told in their words—from birth to old age.

August 22, 2012 to September 21, 2012

Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible

Published in 1611, the King James Bible’s blend of poetry and piety has nurtured generation after generation.

August 17, 2012 to August 20, 2012

An American Turning Point: Civil War 150 HistoryMobile

Housed in a tractor-trailer, this “museum on wheels" presents individual stories of the Civil War from the perspective of those who experienced it—young and old, enslaved and free, soldiers and civilians.

August 16, 2012 to September 24, 2012

Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War

Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War explores how Lincoln used the Constitution to confront three intertwined crises of the war—the secession of Southern states, slavery, and wartime civil liberties.

August 7, 2012 to October 28, 2012

Teenie Harris, Photographer: An American Story

Photographer Charles "Teenie" Harris chronicled a vibrant black urban community during the Jim Crow and Civil Rights eras.

July 29, 2012 to November 25, 2012

The Legacy of the Plumed Serpent in Ancient Mexico

The Legacy of the Plumed Serpent in Ancient Mexico focuses on an era of cultural innovation in Mesoamerica. Trade networks, closely linked to the deity Quetzalcoatl, fostered the exchange of both goods and ideas across vast distances. These southern Mexican kingdoms, which recognized Quetzalcoatl as their founder and patron, became the Children of the Plumed Serpent.

July 12, 2012 to August 24, 2012

Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War

Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War explores how Lincoln used the Constitution to confront three intertwined crises of the war—the secession of Southern states, slavery, and

July 11, 2012 to August 10, 2012

Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible

Published in 1611, the King James Bible’s blend of poetry and piety has nurtured generation after generation.

July 11, 2012 to August 20, 2012

For All The World To See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights

An NEH-supported exhibit at the National Civil Rights Museum examines the role of visual culture in the struggle for civil rights.

July 9, 2012 to August 31, 2012

From Morning to Night: Domestic Service in the Gilded Age South

The traveling exhibit examines the role of African Americans in domestic service in the South.

July 6, 2012 to October 7, 2012

Contested Visions in the Spanish Colonial World

Contested Visions in the Spanish Colonial World examines the significance of indigenous peoples within the artistic landscape of colonial Latin America.

June 20, 2012 to August 3, 2012

Pride and Passion: The African-American Baseball Experience

This nationally travelling exhibit examines the challenges faced by African-American baseball players as they sought equal opportunities in their sport beginning in the post-Civil War era, tthrough integration of the major leagues in the mid-20th century.

May 26, 2012 to September 9, 2012

Henry Ossawa Tanner: Modern Spirit

More than one hundred works, from paintings to sculpture, are featured in this major exhibition devoted to the acclaimed artist Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859–1937).

April 28, 2012

Building America: House and Home

A new permanent exhibition packs seven galleries with photographs, objects, models, “touch me” exhibits, and films on the history, technology, and changing culture of the American home.

April 1, 2012 to July 1, 2012

Children of the Plumed Serpent: The Legacy of Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico

Chairman Jim Leach attends opening of new exhibition following the life and the epic stories of the Mexican culture-hero and deity, Quetzalcoatl, founder and benefactor of communities that flourish

March 28, 2012

Chosen Food

A presentation on the Jewish Museum of Maryland's NEH-funded exhibit Chosen Food.

September 21, 2011

Preview Reception for Manifold Greatness: the Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible

Members of Congress and staff attend a preview of the Manifold Greatness exhibition marking the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible.