
The ARM Climate Research Facility collaborates extensively with other U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) programs and laboratories, agencies, universities, and private firms in gathering and sharing data. This collaborative approach allows ARM to leverage its investment in instruments, sites, data, and science and to gain the knowledge necessary to improve the accuracy of the computer models used to simulate global and regional climate changes. As a result, partnerships have been established with the following DOE programs to use ARM data in their research.

Atmospheric System Research (ASR) will advance process-level understanding of the key interactions among aerosols, clouds, precipitation, radiation, dynamics, and thermodynamics, with the ultimate goal of reducing the uncertainty in global and regional climate simulations and projections. Read the science plan for more information.

FAst-physics System TEstbed and Research (FASTER) will assess and improve fast processes in climate models using a combination of single column climate models, numerical weather prediction models, model results, high resolution models including the Weather Research and Forecasting Model, and observations from ARM and geostationary satellites.

Collaborative Projects and Networks

The CCPP-ARM Parameterization Testbed (CAPT) Project joins ARM with the Climate Change Prediction Program (CCPP), an Office of Biological and Environmental Research program within DOE's Office of Science. Using field observations from ARM and others, CAPT analyzes global weather from numerical weather prediction centers to evaluate parameterizations of sub-gridscale processes in global climate models.

The ARM Carbon Project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory aims to improve the ability to predict exchanges of carbon, water, and energy at the landscape scale. ARM's Southern Great Plains site is an ideal region to test methods of scaling flux predictions from plot to regional scales.

Collaborative Partners

As a national user facility, ARM has developed many long-term collaborative partnerships for conducting complex field campaigns and site operations that range from international to airborne.