
RSS Feed of This Search


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RSS Feed of the Search

What is a RSS feed?

An RSS feed is a summary of web content that is updated on a regular basis. It allows users to be updated on content changes to a web site. Feeds help web sites make content more accessible and they allow users to easily view new content.

Why should users subscribe to a RSS feed?

Once users subscribe to a page, they can view content titles and click on the links to quickly view the content from their personalized pages, like Google, My MSN, My Yahoo! or My AOL homepages.

What does the RSS feed on this page contain?

The search results of RSS feed contains items based on the search criteria that users have entered. This feed will be updated based on how often users have set their reader to retrieve data from USAJOBS and any restrictions the user may have on how often it retrieves information.

How to subscribe to this feed?

Users will need an RSS reader or aggregator before they can subscribe to this feed. Several free and commercial RSS readers are available on the internet, such as Google, My MSN, and My Yahoo. Once users have an RSS reader, they can click on the “RSS Feed of This Search” button, copy the URL provided on the new page, and paste it into their reader to display the content in RSS.

This page was last modified on 28 September 2011, at 17:02.