DoDEA Pacific in the News

DoDEA Pacific Public Affairs

Spring Recess Slated for April 6-10

For Immediate Release — March 3, 2009 | Pacific
Charles Steitz: Public Affairs Officer | DSN: 644-5657

TORII STATION, OKINAWA , JAPAN — March 3, 2009 — Dr. Nancy Bresell, Director, DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam , would like to remind students and parents that spring recess for schools in the Pacific is scheduled for April 6-10, 2009.  During that time, DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam will not sponsor, sanction, or authorize any school trips or vacation excursions for students. This is a matter of policy and is not related to any specific force protection concern.

Parents are advised to carefully research any trips or activities that students are participating in during the upcoming spring recess and at other times of the year.  Each year, many tour companies offer trips to a variety of vacation spots. Some of these trips are marketed as senior trips and can be misleading to parents who think that the trips are sponsored and sanctioned by DoDDS.  There may be legitimate trips offered by community agencies; however, they are not connected with DoDEA.

“Please remember that as a result of the heightened force protection concerns, students, parents, and teachers need to carefully heed Department of State advisory warnings for U.S. citizens when planning vacations overseas. The safety of our students, parents and employees must always be our priority,” added Bresell.