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KANDAHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan — A view of the way ahead, taken from the gunner's turret on an M-ATV, shows the difficult terrain that the column had to move through. David Nishimura and Sgt. 1st Class Gary Malkin, of the 565th Engineer Detachment (FEST-A), conducted a route reconnaissance mission in Shah Wali Kot district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, on July 26, 2012.
A view from the gunner's turret on an M-ATV
8/10/2012 1:37:30 PM
AFGHANISTAN — Gary Pray, a Warfighter Training Program MRAP (mine-resistant, ambush-protected) vehicle rollover and egress trainer on Kandahar Airfield, monitors U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  employees during training July 15, 2012. USACE employees who travel in MRAPs are required to attend the training which include simulated vehicle rollover and exiting.
Warfighter Training Program MRAP
7/16/2012 11:25:40 AM
AFGHANISTAN — U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employees buckle into the MaxPro MRAP simulator on Kandahar Airfield July 15 as part of their MRAP egress orientation training. To comply with a U.S. Forces-Afghanistan order (FRAGO 12-054), which requires all personnel who ride in MRAPs to receive safety and egress orientation training, the South District identified those employees who regularly travel in MRAPs as the first group of attendees.
Keeping people safe means vehicle rollover training
7/16/2012 11:22:19 AM
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan — (From left) Col. Vincent Quarles, incoming commander U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Afghanistan District - South, Maj. Gen. Michael Eyre, USACE Transatlantic Division commanding general, Air Force Col. Benjamin Wham, outgoing AED-South commander and Command Sgt. Maj. Lorne Quebodeaux, district command sergeant major, render honors during change-of-command ceremonies here, July 12, 2012.
Afghanistan Engineer District-South welcomes new commander
7/13/2012 1:38:43 PM
AFGHANISTAN — Eraj Akbarpoor, Afghan quality assurance representative, (left) and Tariq Taheri, Afghan project engineer, inspect a floor in one of several buildings nearing completion on the 9th Commando compound in Herat, July 2, 2012.
Inspecting a floor on the 9th Commando compound
7/10/2012 10:49:54 AM
AFGHANISTAN — Jackson VanPelt (left), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project engineer, and Tariq Taheri, Afghan Project Engineer, inspect a recently finished classroom in one of several buildings nearing completion on the 9th Commando compound in Herat, July 2, 2012. Work on the $13.7-million project is scheduled to be completed by late July.
Project engineers inspect recently finished classroom in Afghanistan
7/10/2012 10:43:28 AM
AFGHANISTAN — Air Force Col. Benjamin Wham, Afghanistan Engineer District South commander, and Lt. Col. Mohammad Isreal, Kandahar Air Wing vice commander, exchange greetings July 7, 2012, at the 205th Air Corps Cantonment on Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, together with the U.S. Air Force and ITT Exelis, trained and mentored the Afghans who will assume facility operations and maintenance responsibilities on the Air Wing cantonment.
USACE AED-South commander meets with Kandahar Air Wing vice commander
7/9/2012 12:36:58 PM
AGHANISTAN — U.S Army Corps of Engineers engineers meet with Afghan technicians at the Kajaki Dam power house.
USACE meets with Afghan technicians
7/9/2012 12:33:17 PM