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S.L."Dusty" Schilling
DSMC Executive Programs

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Product Support Manager conference briefings and minutes available on line

Bill Kobren has added a post in his excellent Logistics and Sustainment blog regarding the recent Product Support Manger conference.    Information about the conference, including briefings and minutes can be found here.   Worth a quick check ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-31-12 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Talking Points for Management

Have recently returned from an extended vacation, which was very nice despite the stretch of 6 days with no power during the height of the heat wave.   Found in my inbox some guidance on preparing talking points for the USD(AT&L) and will sh ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-25-12 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Inside the World's Biggest Buyer; special report on Acquisition

If you live “Inside the Beltway” you are most likely familiar with the radio station WTOP (Traffic and Weather on the 8s”).  A companion website has been publishing a week long series of articles “Inside the World's Biggest Buyer – special repor ...[Read More]
Published: Jun-19-12 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Want a successful off-site -- answer two key questions

Have you participated in a well-run and productive off-site recently?  Perhaps you have, or perhaps you attended one that wasn’t quite all you hoped it would be.   I believe there are two key pre-offsite questions the off-site Leader needs to answ ...[Read More]
Published: May-14-12 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Acquisition quote of the day

This is a short quote from Frank Kendall USD(AT&L), you will see this and more in an upcoming article in the next Defense AT&L magazine. " ....... As I went around the country a year ago to discuss the Better Buying Power initiativ ...[Read More]
Published: May-08-12 | 1 Comment | 0 Links to this post


Big A Affordability vs Little A Affordability - context is helpful

 Making sense of “Affordability” is a lot easier if you and your audience are on the same page regarding the context of the conversation.   Teaching here in the DSMC Executive Programs gives me an excellent vantage point to listen directly to ...[Read More]
Published: Apr-27-12 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Time to Think some reflections from the former DON CIO

Significant portions of our DSMC Executive Programs focus on Critical Thinking or Leadership Planning for Success.  The comments below directly relate to this subect and I like to periodically reflect back on them.  They are a June 2009 quote  ...[Read More]
Published: Apr-27-12 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Comparison of Major Contract Types

For those of you familiar with the handy reference matrix: "Comparison of Major Contract Types Chart", an updated 2012 version has been “published” to the Web.    It can be found on the Training page of the Contract Cost, Price & ...[Read More]
Published: Apr-03-12 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Data Rights -- useful info from our own DAU Logistics folks

For many acquisition programs effectively planning for and managing the Government's Data Rights can be a challenge.   The DAU Logistics team recently posted two new "ACQuipedia" articles on this subject, they can be found here:   ...[Read More]
Published: Mar-22-12 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Five Leadership Lessons from CAPT James T Kirk

I've been around long enough to have grown up watching "Star Trek", the original, on television.  I might even say the show influenced me towards becoming a Naval Officer.   This article from Alex Knapp in the freely available on-line ve ...[Read More]
Published: Mar-13-12 | 1 Comment | 0 Links to this post

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