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Forest adaptation resources: Climate change tools and approaches for land managers.Forest adaptation resources: Climate change tools and approaches for land managers

The forests of northern Wisconsin, a defining feature of the region's landscape, are expected to undergo numerous changes in response to the changing climate. ~Posted June 2012

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Climate Change on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming.Climate Change on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming

This report synthesizes the paleo and historical climate of the Shoshone and discusses what future climates may look like and what the effects may be on natural resources.~Posted June 2012

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Climate project screening tool: an aid for climate change adaptation.Climate project screening tool: an aid for climate change adaptation.

The authors present a new tool, the Climate Project Screening Tool (CPST), for integrating climate change considerations into project planning and developing concrete adaptation options for land managers. ~Posted June 2012

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A Risk Assessment of Climate Change and the Impact of Forest Diseases on Forest Ecosystems in the Western United States and CanadaA Risk Assessment of Climate Change and the Impact of Forest Diseases on Forest Ecosystems in the Western United States and Canada.

This risk assessment projects the effects of eight forest diseases under two climate-change scenarios (warmer and drier, warmer and wetter). ~Posted May 2012

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Climate Change PEPs – Impacts and Effects on VegetationClimate Change PEPs – Impacts and Effects on Vegetation

This 2011 symposium featured research on the projected impacts of climatic changes on vegetation, with an emphasis on practical assessment and management. ~Posted May 2012

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Climate BasicsClimate Basics

The CCRC has updated its Climate Change Basics section. ~Posted April 2012

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New Tools: SAVS and MC1SAF Forest Science

This special issue of Forest Science features articles on forest carbon cycles, disturbance and climate effects on carbon, carbon quantification, bioenergy, and management interaction with carbon. ~Posted April 2012

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PARKScience - Special Issue: Climate Change Adaptation & Communication SNAP interactive climate map - Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning

A new map from the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) provides climate data projections for Alaska and western Canada for each decade through 2100. . ~Posted March 2012

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Ecosystem vulnerability assessment and synthesis Climate Change Response Framework

This Climate Change Response Framework represents a collaborative approach among researchers, managers, and landowners to incorporate climate change considerations into forest management. A new website allows for collaboration on three framework projects taking place in the eastern United States.. ~Posted March 2012

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Responding to Climate Change on National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options Responding to Climate Change on National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options

This guidebook contains science-based principles, processes, and tools necessary to assist with developing adaptation options for national forest lands. The adaptation process is based on partnerships between local resource managers and scientists who work collaboratively to understand potential climate change effects, identify important resource issues, and develop management options that can capitalize on new opportunities and reduce deleterious effects. ~Posted January 2012

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