
Diversity Q&A

Use this form to submit questions regarding Fermilab's diversity policies. Answers will be posted to this site as they become available.

Note: This Q&A section is designed to answer general policy questions. If you personally encounter discrimination or harassment at Fermilab, tell someone you trust. Talk to your supervisor, to Equal Employment Opportunity Manager Dianne Engram (4633), or to laboratory management, including laboratory Director Pier Oddone. If you would like to talk with someone outside the laboratory, you can call the hotline of the Inspector General of the Department of Energy at 1-800-541-1625 or 1-202-586-4073. You can also communicate directly with the DOE Area Manager's Office, x3281.


Focus Group Report

Director's CornerWhen we began this process, I committed to make public the results of the focus groups and the accompanying report. I hope you will take time to read and think about them. For anyone who cares about Fermilab, they make compelling reading...

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Women in Physics

Women in PhysicsThis Web site aims to serve as a clearinghouse for information about issues affecting women in physics across the globe.

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