U.S. Department of Justice

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Los Angeles County Jail Overcrowding Reduction Project: Final Report: Revised
Vera Institute of Justice. Center on Sentencing and Corrections (New York, NY).
Issues related to overcrowding in jails have reached a level of critical concern. Findings and recommendations for dealing with overcrowding are presented. “This information provides the County [of Los Angeles] with a good basis for tackling some of its existing problems and preparing for the challenges ahead” (p. i). Other agencies can use the strategies described in this report to address some of their own overcrowding problems. Chapters following an executive summary are: introduction--study ... Read More
289 pages
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2009 Survey of Pretrial Services Programs
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC); JEHT Foundation (New York, NY). Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI) (Washington, DC).
The provision of pretrial service programming is investigated. Following an executive summary, the results from this survey are organized into these areas: general characteristics of pretrial service programs; pretrial service program practices; management and evaluation of pretrial program practices; jail crowding and pretrial services; and conclusion.... Read More
109 p.
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Justice Reinvestment in New Hampshire: Reducing Spending on Corrections and Reinvesting in Strategies to Increase Public Safety
Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
Information regarding the growth in New Hampshire’s prison population is provided. Topics covered in an issue snapshot are: the drain on the state budget due to an increasing prison population; reincarceration of a growing number of parole violators; increases in recidivism also driving prison population increases; and additional prisons and expanding expenditures will occur if nothing is done. Also included is an overview of the Justice Center’s three phases of technical assistance—analysis and... Read More
4 p.
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Jail Capacity Planning Guide: A Systems Approach
By Bennett, David M.; Lattin, Donna. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
“This guide helps readers better understand the variables applied in jail capacity forecasting, provides more detail about the development of the jail snapshot (a jail assessment) and case-processing study (an analysis of adjudication decisions and timelines), and offers a framework for assessing key population management strategies across the system” (p. viii). Seven chapters comprise this publication: getting started; system assessment—jail population management strategies; the jail snapshot; ... Read More
81 p.
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Jailing Communities: The Impact of Jail Expansion and Effective Public Safety Strategies
By Petteruti, Amanda; Walsh, Natassia. Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC).
“This report summarizes recent research findings on jails, the changing nature of jail populations, and the known impact of jails on communities and individuals” (p. 4). Sections comprising this report are: introduction -- jails are part of the country’s mass incarceration challenge; background -- what jails are and how they are used; why jail populations are growing; what the consequences are of over-using jails; building more jail beds and holding more people in jails has not been shown to mak... Read More
33 p.
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San Quentin's Gym Becomes One Massive Cell
By Sullivan, Laura. NPR Online (Washington, DC); NPR.org (Washington, DC).
Issues surrounding the use of San Quentin's gym to house 360 inmates are addressed. Sections of the article with streaming audio are: racial segregation; living like animals; parole violations; the rehabilitation paradox; racial order and tube socks; balancing tensions; falling behind on upkeep; and perpetuating the cycle.... Read More
7 p.
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Getting the Genie Back in the Bottle: California's Prison Gulag
By Krisberg, Barry. National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) (Oakland, CA).
Reasons for the explosive growth in California's inmate population and ways to address this critical problem are explained. Sections included in this report are: distorting the scale of punishment; distorting the balance of state and county corrections; Proposition 36; when in doubt build more beds and "rediscover" rehabilitation; the way out of California's "corrections imbroglio" -- decarcerating women prisoners, repairing the prisoner reentry system; creating a new state-local partnership, a... Read More
12 p.
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Neuroscience and Correctional Facility Design Workshop: Understanding Cognitive Processes in Correctional Settings: Workshop Report
By Facrbstein, Jay; Farling, Melissa. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Jay Farbstein & Associates, Inc. (JFA) (San Luis Obispo, CA).
This workshop created an agenda for undertaking neuroscience research in correctional settings. The report presents a detailed account of the presentation and discussion held at this workshop. Sections of this document include: introduction and overview; summary of introductory presentations; summary of work groups—hypothesis and research projects; summary of general discussion; and conclusions and next steps. Appendixes provide copies of overheads use for presentations regarding: “Neuroscience ... Read More
144 pages
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Jail Crowding: Understanding Jail Population Dynamics
By Cunniff, Mark A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Steps involved in developing an understanding of jail population dynamics and factors behind jail crowding are delineated. Sections of this report include: executive summary; how can factors behind jail crowding be identified?; key questions to ask in order to understand jail population dynamics; trends that are driving jail population growth; how to forecast future needs; benefits and elements of an effective analytic process; and elements of the analytic process. Appendixes include: "Preventin... Read More
49 p.
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Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee
By Cushman, Robert C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The development, implementation, and operation of a local criminal justice coordinating committee (CJCC) are described. In particular, this guide provides a look at how a CJCC can alleviate jail crowding and accomplish other system improvements. The following sections comprise this guide: executive summary; introduction; a framework for justice planning and coordination; coordinating mechanisms -- a developmental view; and guiding principles for CJCCs. Appendixes provide: a checklist for forming... Read More
50 p.
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Preventing Jail Crowding: A Practical Guide
By Cushman, Robert C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
An explanation on how to use the jail population analysis formula is offered. This paper looks at: the sources of jail crowding; the dynamics that create changes in jail occupancy levels; swings in jail occupancy levels; a jail population analysis system; reducing the inmate population in a crowded jail; policy choices; and the key to preventing crowding. ... Read More
12 p.
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Alleviating Jail Crowding: A Systemic Approach
  • [Videoconference Held April 18, 2001]
  • National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Since jail crowding is often called the most pressing problem facing criminal justice systems in the U.S., this 3-hour videoconference aims to help jurisdictions develop effective strategies and techniques for managing jail population levels. Issues discussed include:
    • The systemic problem of crowding and the need for effective system-wide policy
    • Decision points in the system that help control crowding
    • Data collection and analysis
    • Long and short term strategies to reduce j... Read More

    1 DVD (180 min.)
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    Final Report of the Alaska Criminal Justice Assessment Commission
    National Institute of Corrections. Criminal Justice System Project (Washington, DC). Alaska Judicial Council (Anchorage, AK); Alaska. Criminal Justice Assessment Commission (Anchorage, AK).
    The problem of prison overcrowding and ways to alleviate it are discussed. Four sections follow an executive summary: introduction; history and organizational structure of the Commission; backdrop of issues facing the Commission -- prison population growth, substance abuse, the mentally disabled, restorative justice, monitoring, and outcome measures; and Commission recommendations.... Read More
    101 p.
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    Jail Population Reduction Strategies: An Examination of Five Jurisdictions' Responses to Jail Crowding
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). American Jail Association (Hagerstown, MD).
    This study examines local criminal justice systems which have reduced or significantly slowed the number of inmates incarcerated in the county jail. The research specifically looks at the processes and methods utilized to accomplish this outcome. Five sites are presented in this report which examines the site environment, population reduction efforts, process changes and programmatic changes.... Read More
    32 p.
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    Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Large Jail Network, January 20-21, 1991, Denver, Colorado
    By MacPhail, Carolyn. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    The conference opens with a presentation on legal issues, followed by panel and group discussions of internal and external crowding strategies, consent decrees, and new technologies.... Read More
    28 p.
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    Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Large Jail Network, June 3-5, 1990, Denver, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Boulder, CO). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    Titles of Topic Sessions include: Systems Approaches to Jail Crowding and Population Management; Managing the Crowded Jail; Special Programs; and Boot Camps.... Read More
    23 p.
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    Jail Overcrowding Management Handbook
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). California Board of Corrections (Sacramento, CA); Evaluation, Management, and Training (EMT) Associates (Sacramento, CA).
    Providing practical assistance to jail administrators, this handbook addresses the legal problems, inmate management problems, and systemwide problems that contribute to jail overcrowding. Problems and issues are discussed. Specific action strategies are suggested.... Read More
    61 p.
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    Current Issues in Parole Decision-making: Understanding the Past; Shaping the Future
    By Burke, Peggy B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). COSMOS Corp. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The move to abolish parole has subsided because of rising prison populations, which have put more pressure on paroling authorities to take a lead in managing the overcrowding problem. This is the paroling authorities' opportunity to show the opposition that they can manage their responsibilities effectively, and that they have a role in the future of criminal justice. Includes bibliographies.... Read More
    59 p.
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    Success and Failure on Parole in California: A Preliminary Evaluation
    By Austin, James. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). California Board of Prison Terms (Sacramento, CA); National Council on Crime and Delinquency (San Francisco, CA).
    The high level of parole revocations is contributing to the prison overcrowding crisis in California. This project, entitled California Parole Revocation Evaluation, attempts to analyze a number of factors that are having an impact on parole revocation.... Read More

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