U.S. Department of Justice

Planning and Intervention Sites Funded to Address the Needs of Children of Incarcerated Parents: Final Report

Publication year: 2004 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

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  • Planning and Intervention Sites Funded to Address the Needs of Children of Incarcerated Parents: Final Report

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Results from a process and outcome evaluation of program development for demonstration sites of programs that address the needs of children with incarcerated parents are presented. Sections contained in this report are: executive summary; introduction; challenges faced by children of incarcerated parents; overview of the initiative, planning sites, and intervention sites; evaluation overview; case studies; Board interviews; summary of findings; and conclusion and implications for future program development. Miminal components for successful intervention programs are planning, collaboration, target population clearly defined, viable services, staff, and financial sustainability.

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