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Regional Dialogue
Public Comments & Proposals

(updated September 19, 2006)

Public Comments Received on BPA's Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy Proposal

The deadline for submitting comments on BPA's Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy Proposal is October 31, 2006.  Electronic copies of the comments received are available on BPA's Public Involvement web site at:

Public Comments Received on BPA's Service to Port Townsend Paper,
a non-aluminum DSI

The deadline for submitting comments on BPA's Service to Port Townsend Paper, a non-aluminum DSI, was January 31, 2006.  Electronic copies of the comments received are available on BPA's Public Involvement web site at:

Public Comments Received on the Draft Prototype Contract
for BPA's Service to DSI Customers

The deadline for submitting comments on the Draft Prototype contract for service to BPA's Direct Service Industry (DSI) Customers for fiscal years 2007-2011 (PDF, 40 pages, 249 kb) was January 4, 2006.  Electronic copies of the comments received are available on BPA's Public Involvement web site at:

Feedback Received on BPA's Proposed Changes to the
Renewable Rate Credit Program

The deadline for submitting feedback on BPA's Proposed Changes to the Renewable Rate Credit Program (PDF, 24 pages, 276 kb) was September 29, 2005. The links below will take you to electronic copies of all feedback received by BPA.
  1. Clay Fitch, CEO, WREC, September 26, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 28 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  2. M. Kay Moxness, Central Lincoln PUD, September 26, 2005
    (PDF, 1 page, 106 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  3. Angus Duncan, BEF, September 28, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 24 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  4. Dick Wanderscheid, Director, Ashland, September 28, 2005
    (Scanned PDF, 1 page, 27 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  5. Rachel Shimshak, RNP, September 29, 2005
    (PDF, 1 page, 119 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  6. Robert J. Titus, Energy Services Director, Ellensburg, September 29, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 49 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  7. Tom O'Connor, Executive Director, OMEU, September 29, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 14 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  8. Marilyn Showalter, Executive Director, PPC, September 29, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 67 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  9. Marilyn Showalter, Executive Director, PPC, September 30, 2005
    (PDF, 1 page, 66 kb, posted October 26, 2005)
  10. Steve Marshall, Assistant General Manager, SnoPUD, October 1, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 70 kb, posted October 26, 2005)

Feedback Received on BPA's Draft Slice Report

The deadline for submitting feedback on BPA's Draft Slice Report (PDF, 6 pages, 115 kb) was June 20, 2005. The links below will take you to electronic copies of all feedback received by BPA.
  1. Slice Customers, June 3, 2005
    (PDF, 5 pages, 49 kb, posted June 29, 2005)
  2. William K. Drummond, Manager, WMG&T, June 20, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 54 kb, posted June 29, 2005)
  3. Scott C. Spettel, Power Management & Planning Manager, EWEB, June 20, 2005
    (PDF, 4 pages, 113 kb, posted June 29, 2005)
  4. John Saven, Chief Executive Officer, NRU, June 20, 2005
    (Scanned PDF, 4 pages, 304 kb, posted June 29, 2005)
  5. Slice Customers, June 20, 2005
    (PDF, 16 pages, 270 kb, posted June 29, 2005)
  6. Paul Davies, General Manager, Central Lincoln PUD, June 20, 2005
    (PDF, 1 page, 50 kb, posted June 29, 2005)
  7. Jeff Nelson, Springfield, June 20, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 39 kb, posted June 29, 2005)

Proposals Received for BPA's Upcoming Long-Term Policy Proposal

The deadline for submitting proposals for BPA's upcoming long-term Regional Dialogue policy proposal was June 13, 2005. The links below will take you to electronic copies of all proposals/comments received by BPA.
  1. Lynn Heminger, President, WPUDA, May 27, 2005
    (Scanned PDF, 2 pages, 102 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  2. Marilyn Showalter, Executive Director, PPC, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 17 pages, 142 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  3. William K. Drummond, Manager, WMG&T, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 3 pages, 89 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  4. Kelly Norwood, Vice President, Avista, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 3 pages, 83 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  5. Stephen Hall, Stoel Rives LLP, PNWIOU, June 13, 2005
    (Scanned PDF, 43 pages, 2.8 MB, posted June 21, 2005)
    [Note: Due to the large size of this PDF file, it may not be possible to view this document on BPA's web site within your web browser with older versions of Acrobat Reader. To download and view this document on a local drive, click on the link with your right mouse button and select "Save Target As".]
  6. Ken Canon, Executive Director, ICNU, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 4 pages, 73 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  7. Joe Nadal, Senior VP & COO, PNGC Power, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 6 pages, 63 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  8. John Saven, Executive Director, NIU, June 13, 2005
    (Scanned PDF, 3 pages, 245 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  9. Ernest Stensgar, President, ATNI, June 13, 2005
    (Scanned PDF, 4 pages, 404 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  10. Jim Sanders, General Manager, Benton PUD, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 23 pages, 131 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  11. Jack Speer, VP Govern & Energy Affairs, Alcoa, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 1 page, 17 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  12. John Saven, Chief Executive Officer, NRU, June 13, 2005
    (Scanned PDF, 13 pages, 1038 kb, posted June 17, 2005)
  13. Kris Mikkelsen, CEO, Inland, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 64 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  14. Charles L Dawsey, General Manager, Benton REA, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 2 pages, 93 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  15. Jeff Nelson, Springfield, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 8 pages, 56 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  16. Steve Weiss, NWEC, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 5 pages, 133 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  17. J. Rachel Shimshak, Director RNP, and Sheryl Carter, Director NRDC, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 18 pages, 192 kb, posted June 21, 2005)
  18. Terence L. Mundorf, Attorney, WPAG, June 13, 2005
    (PDF, 21 pages, 283 kb, posted June 21, 2005)

Content provided by:  JoAnn Bas, 503-230-4983, jlbas@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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