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2003 SN CRAC (SN-03) Expedited Rate Case
Initial Proposal:  Direct Testimony
(updated on May 12, 2003)

Electronic (PDF) versions of BPA's Direct Testimony documents were provided to rate case parties at a pre-hearing (and posted in the "Queue") on March 31, 2003. These PDF files were then transferred from the "Queue" to this page on May 10, 2003. Errata pages for these documents (E#) were typically posted in the "Queue" first (as MS Word files) before they were posted here in PDF format.

Direct Testimony Date(s) Posted
Subject SN-03 # #
PDF File
In the "Queue" On this Page
Overview and Management Direction SN-03-E-BPA-04 21 80 kb  03-31-2003 05-10-2003
SN-03-E-BPA-04(E1) 1 5 kb  04-03-2003 05-12-2003
Loads and Resources SN-03-E-BPA-05 14 55 kb  03-31-2003 05-10-2003
Revenue Recovery SN-03-E-BPA-06 16 103 kb  03-31-2003 05-10-2003
Risk Analysis SN-03-E-BPA-07 9 44 kb  03-31-2003 05-10-2003
Secondary Revenue Forecast SN-03-E-BPA-08 11 47 kb  03-31-2003 05-10-2003
Revenue Forecast SN-03-E-BPA-09 22 965 kb  03-31-2003 05-10-2003
SN-03-E-BPA-09(E1) 1 6 kb  04-02-2003 05-12-2003
SN-03-E-BPA-09(E2) 1 5 kb  04-03-2003 05-12-2003
SN CRAC Design SN-03-E-BPA-10 23 78 kb  03-31-2003 05-10-2003
SN-03-E-BPA-10(E1) 1 7 kb  04-03-2003 05-12-2003



Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  May 12, 2003.
Content originally provided by:  Michael Normandeau, BPA Power Business Line.
Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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