U.S. Department of Justice

Frequent Users of Jail and Shelter Systems in the District of Columbia: An Overview of the Potential for Supportive Housing

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jun. 20, 2012

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  • Frequent Users of Jail and Shelter Systems in the District of Columbia: An Overview of the Potential for Supportive Housing

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “The Corporation for Supportive Housing [CSH] has launched a number of frequent user initiatives across the country through a model that combines housing with supportive services. The ultimate goal is to break the costly cycle of high system use through the provision of permanent supportive housing to frequent users, thereby increasing housing stability, public health, and public safety” (p. 1). Frequent users are those individuals who make frequent use of public crisis systems. One such CHS test is the DC Frequent Users Service Enhancement (FUSE) Pilot Program. Sections of this brief discuss: how frequent users are identified; who the frequent users are in DC—mental health, substance use, shelter use, and incarceration patterns; potential cost savings of the FUSE program—a one-year savings of $2,691 per individual.

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