U.S. Department of Justice

Strategies for Creating Offender Reentry Programs in Indian Country

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jan. 05, 2011

Library ID

  • 024788

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  • 2010
  • 55 pages

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  • Strategies for Creating Offender Reentry Programs in Indian Country

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “The information presented in this document will assist tribal justice practitioners, administrators, and policymakers in designing and developing reentry strategies for adult and juvenile offenders returning to their tribal communities” (p. 5). Sections of this report include: introduction; historical overview; developing reentry programs in Indian Country—justice system, intervention and treatment, and community restoration; general reentry policy considerations—Tribal government responsibilities, funding, and Tribal community roles; recommendations; conclusion; case descriptions; and federal funding sources.

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