U.S. Department of Justice

Life after Prison: Tracking the Experiences of Male Prisoners Returning to Chicago, Cleveland, and Houston

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jun. 12, 2010

Library ID

  • 024448

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  • 2010
  • 6 pages.

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  • Life after Prison: Tracking the Experiences of Male Prisoners Returning to Chicago, Cleveland, and Houston

ANNOTATION: Those interested in the experiences of released offenders will find this study of use in comparing or forecasting what occurs to those incarcerated individuals rejoining the local community. Sections of this brief cover: characteristics of returning prisoners; overview of the reentry experience—programming participation, housing and neighborhoods, family relationships, substance use, and identification, debt, and employment; reoffending and reincarnation; predicting reintegration outcomes; and implications.

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