U.S. Department of Justice

Returning Home on Parole: Former Prisoners' Experiences in Illinois, Ohio, and Texas

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Aug. 26, 2008

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  • Returning Home on Parole: Former Prisoners' Experiences in Illinois, Ohio, and Texas

ANNOTATION: Issues surrounding the use of parole are examined. Sections of this brief are: supervision practices in Illinois, Ohio, and Texas; analytic approach; findings regarding previous experiences on supervision, prerelease expectations for supervision, supervision experiences after release, attitude toward parole officer after release, supervision conditions and violations after release, affect of supervision on reentry outcomes (family and housing options, substance use, and recidivism), benefit of parole for some groups more than others, and discussion. "Parole supervision was associated with increased employment and reduced substance use among former prisoners" (p. 1).

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