
MAD magazine publisher William Gaines, 1984

Garcier Crawford ©Stars and Stripes
Tokyo, November, 1984: While American kids growing up in the 1990s and 2000s were influenced a great deal by the products of Bill Gates, many of those who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s were influenced by the products of Bill Gaines. The founder and publisher of MAD magazine — shown here during an interview with a Stars and Stripes reporter in Tokyo — started out in the comic book business in the late 1940s, but his "Tales from the Crypt" and similar publications sparked a furor that led to Congressional hearings and implementation of the Comics Code. Gaines fortuitously turned his attention to humor, and MAD became a cultural icon.

Stars and Stripes' 1985 feature story about MAD's William M. Gaines.

Past Stars and Stripes photos of the day

Here are links to photos of the day from Stripes' old Web site.

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