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Financial Services

GSA’s External Services Branch (ESB) has provided financial services to client agencies for over 20 years and has a proven track record of exceptional customer service and reliability within the government. The ESB Financial Services enhance effectiveness, improve efficiency and reduce risk for client agencies which allows the clients to focus on their core mission. A comprehensive financial system and a dedicated staff of experienced professionals are our tools that we use to support federal agencies’ financial needs. GSA offers these financial services in a package or independently.

GSA provides financial services which include:

  • Accounting and Reporting Services
  • Standard general ledger reconciliation
  • Payment processing
  • Regulatory and managerial reporting

GSA has developed special automated systems simplifying the budget, acquisition, and payment process for United Parcel Service (UPS) billings and the Government Credit Card, which feeds into our major financial system. This provides an excellent audit trail for all transactions. GSA uses an electronic notification process for payments made through Electronic Fund Transfer. Vendors or employees are notified via email as to the dollar amount paid, the date of deposit, and the bank account where the deposit was made.

GSA also monitors client funds and prepares both internal and ad hoc accounting reports, as required by clients. Some of the external reports prepared are the Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources (SF-133), FACTS I & II Treasury Reporting, Treasury Report on Receivables Due from the Public (TROR) and various reports mandated by the Office of Management and Budget or the Department of the Treasury. The consolidated financial reports which are required by the Accountability of Tax Dollars Act of 2002 are also compiled.


  • Full shared service provider
  • Financial Systems Integration Office (FSIO)-Certified CGI Momentum Enterprise Solution including Acquisition, Asset Management, Budgeting, and Cost Accounting.
  • A full range of accounting and financial support; from U.S. standard general ledger reconciliation (USSGL) to regulatory and managerial reporting is available.
  • State-of-the-art Data Center Hosting, Application Management Services, Communications, and Service Desk Support are available to accommodate your agency’s needs.
  • Business Process Integration that eases integration between financial management, eGov, and Mission-Support Systems
  • Multilayered Security and Privacy Protection
  • Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 (SSAE16) Audit provides assurance that GSA has effective financial management systems and process controls in place for our external clients
  • Service Desk— Additional technical support is available for troubleshooting questions.

Michael Swanchara, Director
Federal Integrated Solutions Center
U.S. General Services Administration
1275 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20417

Phone: 202-501-1905
