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Work Life

The Handbook of Elder Care Resources for the Federal Workplace

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Examples of Federal Agencies' Elder Care Programs

This section highlights five Federal agencies that have instituted elder care programs for their employees over the past few years. It describes the best examples of diverse Federal elder care programs that demonstrate exceptional commitment, dedication and promotion of family-friendly programs. The agencies include: the Departments of Labor, State, and Energy, the National Security Agency, and the Social Security Administration. They were past Awards Winners or Honorable Mention recipients of OPM's annual Director's Awards for Outstanding Work and Family Programs. Although we have singled out these agencies, other Federal agencies not mentioned have that should also be commended for their efforts in promoting elder care and aging programs.


200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
(202) 219-6741

The Department of Labor (DOL) serves American workers as a leader in creating progressive programs to deal with the diverse issues and needs that confront working men and women. The DOL was one of the first Federal agencies to negotiate a comprehensive menu of available alternative work schedules for their employees. Their WorkLife Center assists employees in managing their work and family responsibilities. The WorkLife Center clearinghouse offers referral services, websites, literature, and videos on family-friendly topics and personnel flexibilities such as dependent child and elder care, leave options, telework, and employee assistance programs.

In October 1998, DOL contracted with the Dependent Care Connection (DCC) Life Care Counseling, Education, and Referral Services which provides resource and referral services to employees nationwide via website or through toll-free numbers.

In promoting elder care programs, the Department of Labor offers two support groups. The first is the Alzheimer support group which meets every third Thursday of the month. The second is the newly established Elder Care Support Group which meets on the second Wednesday of each month. DOL sponsors annual elder care fairs with representatives from national and local adult dependent care organizations. In addition, the Department holds brown bag seminars for those who care for aging parents or relatives. DOL also has published and issued the Helping Balance the Needs of Work and Family brochure to all employees. This publication is also available on the DOL intranet, LaborNet.


Work and Family Programs
PER/ER/WFP SA-6, Room 431
2101 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20520
(703) 516-1735

The State Department sponsors the American Association of Foreign Service Women (AAFSW) Interagency Eldercare Forum. The Forum consists of work and family specialists from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and U.S. Aid to International Development (USAID) who answer questions and discuss issues on elder care. AAFSW and the Office of Employee Relations also coordinate a working group that identifies elder care issues.

The State Department's Family Liaison Office conducted a survey and report for relatives who reside on post with Foreign Service members. The State Department offers a variety of elder care services such as counseling and referrals, the use of overseas health units for elderly dependents, and an elder care seminar series to address dependent care needs and responsibilities.


Office of Human Resource Management
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20585
(202) 586-4054

The Department of Energy (DoE) provides counseling, guidance and referral information to caregivers of elders. The DoE sponsors support elder care group meetings that are held monthly to assist employees with aging and adult dependent care needs. In 1997, DoE established an Eldercare Library that maintains current information on national and local elder care services.

The DoE also sponsors elder care and care- giver fairs, workshops and seminars. The agency provides work and family services such as extensive Dependent Care Directory, various alternative work schedules, job sharing and part-time employment, leave sharing and options (Family-Friendly Leave Program and Family and Medical Leave Act), telework, and Employee Assistance Programs.


Work/Life Services
9800 Savage Road
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755
(301) 688-4283

The National Security Agency (NSA) offers their employees elder care resources and re ferral services to State and national organi zations that serve seniors. The NSA Work/Life Services sponsors a biannual elder care expo in May for employees to learn about senior services and programs. As part of their assistance to caregivers, the NSA works with the Anne Arundel County Senior Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) to offer workshops to help em ployees understand Medicare/Medicaid, Medigap Insurance, interpreting health insurance policies, and understanding medical bills.

The NSA offers "lunch and learn" seminars and lectures on topics such as elder caregiving, how to minimize stress, and community resources that are available to family members and caregivers. Panel presentations such as "The Myths and Facts of Aging" are also offered for senior service professionals, managers, employees and caregivers.

The NSA established a Work and Family Resource Group (WFRG), a private organization of employees to discuss aging and elder care resources and services. The WFRG sponsors guest speakers from the Maryland Department of Aging and established a support group for grandparents raising grandchildren. In addition, the NSA's Employee Assistance Services have reconvened its Elder Care Support Group which meets once a week for 10 weeks. The Government Employees Benefits Association held an Eldercare Symposium in January 1999 that presented information on elder law issues, care management, and long term care insurance.

The NSA also offers an Employee Assistance Service that is open to all agency civilian and military employees and their dependents. Various forms of alternative work schedules are utilized by the majority of the agency's workforce. This flexible policy allows employees to work a reduced schedule by adjusting the requirements of the position or by permitting more than one individual to perform the duties and meet their family demands.


West Highrise Building
6401 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21235
(410) 965-0479

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers a comprehensive work/life program that provides many benefits to its workforce of over 65,000 employees nationwide. SSA conducts ongoing activities such as lunchtime seminars, fairs, bimonthly newsletters, support groups, and information phone lines.

The SSA networks with local area agencies and senior care associations to keep up-to-date on new eldercare services in the community. For example, the Easter Seals and Employees' Activities Association of the SSA and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) opened a local adult day care center to give seniors a positive place to get appropriate medical care and therapy and participate in stimulating social activities with peers. In addition, the SSA sponsors a Grandparents Raising Grandparents Support Group that offers monthly lunch time meetings. This support group conducted a one hour satellite broadcast that featured information about legalities, rights, community assistance, and services to grandparents and grandchildren. Still, further SSA partnered with CMS to produce a 30 minute videotape entitled, "Medicare From a Caregivers Point of View" that is available to all SSA/CMS employees.

In terms of resources, the SSA Career/Life Resource Center offers programs, services, access to the Internet, videotapes, books on family services, and seminars pertaining to various family needs. The SSA conducted 20 eldercare interactive broadcasts on the SSA National Satellite Network, with tapes available in Resource Center.

As for personnel flexibilities, SSA employees are provided information on how to use Family-Friendly leave policies and volunteer leave transfer programs, and flexible and compressed work schedules to assist with their dependent care responsibilities.

NOTE: Under Federal Law, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is prohibited from ranking, endorsing, or promoting agencies or organizations listed on its website.

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