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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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The Handbook of Elder Care Resources for the Federal Workplace

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Practical Tips for Elder Care
(Page 3 of 3)

Selecting a Home Health Care Agency

Use this checklist when selecting a home health care.

Name of Agency: ____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________________________
Referral Service: ____________________________________________

I. Services

Services Yes No daily min.
length of visit
cost per visit Medicare reimbursable for a parent or older person current condition
Yes No
Physical Therapy              
Speech Therapy              
Occupational Therapy              
Social Work              
Personal Care
(bathing, grooming)
Chore Services
(light housekeeping)

II. Staffing

Number of Supervisors:  ______________________________________
Number of Registered Nurses (RN's): ______________________________________
Number of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN's):  ______________________________________
Number of Home Health Aides: ______________________________________
Is certification required for aides? ______________________________________
Number of training hours for aides:  ______________________________________
Number of required in-service training hours: ______________________________________
Average length of employment for aides: ______________________________________
How often is a supervisory visit made to the home?  ______________________________________
How are cases supervised by the director of nursing? ______________________________________


III. General

Checklist Items Yes No
State licensed (if required by State)?    
Medicare/Medicaid certified?    
Written job description for each position?    
List of Board of Directors or Advisory Committee available?    

Agency auspices:  
hospital based _____________
private _____________
public _____________
other _____________

Geographic area served:


IV. Evaluation

Evaluation (complete after service has been terminated) very moderately not at all
1.  How comfortable was your parent or older person with the staff who came to the home?      
2.  How informed were you of the treatment plan?      
3.  How informed were you of the progress?      
4.  How well were your questions answered?      
5.  How well were scheduled visits kept?      
6.  How well do you feel your parent or older person's physical needs were met?      
7.  How willing was the staff to speak with you about your parent or older person's care?      
8.  Overall, would you want to call upon this agency again should the need arise?

_____ yes, definitely     _____ possibly     _____ definitely not

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