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The Handbook of Elder Care Resources for the Federal Workplace

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Practical Tips for Elder Care
(Page 2 of 3)

Nursing Home Checklist

  • Keep these suggestions in mind when visiting a nursing home:
  • Visit a nursing home more than once and during different times of the day.Clipboard with a checklist
  • Make an appointment to meet with the administrator or admissions director for your first visit and ask for a guided tour of the facility.
  • Make sure that you are given the opportunity to talk to residents and observe conditions in the nursing home by yourself.
  • Meet with members of the nursing home family council, which is composed of family members of the facility's residents. If the nursing home doesn't have a family council, ask to speak with family members of residents of the facility.
  • Review the facility's fire safety training program.

When you visit a nursing home, you should carry this checklist with you. It will help you to compare one facility with another, but remember to compare facilities certified in the same category; for example, a skilled nursing facility with another skilled nursing home. Because nursing homes may be licensed in more than one category, always compare similar types of service among facilities.

Home A _______________________________________________

Home B _______________________________________________

Look at Daily Life

No. Checklist Question Home A Home B
1. Do residents seem to enjoy being with staff? ________ ________
2. Are most residents dressed for the season and time of day? ________ ________
3. Does staff know the residents by name? ________ ________
4. Does staff respond quickly to resident calls for assistance? ________ ________

Home A/Home B

No. Checklist Question Home A Home B
5. Are activities tailored to residents' individual needs and interests? ________ ________
6. Are residents involved in a variety of activities? ________ ________
7. Does the home serve food attractively? ________ ________
8. Does the home consider personal food likes and dislikes in planning meals? ________ ________
9. Does the home use care in selecting roommates? ________ ________
10. Does the home have a residents' council? If it does, does the council influence decisions about resident life? ________ ________
11. Does the home have a family council? If it does, does the council influence decisions about resident life? ________ ________
12. Does the facility have contact with community groups, such as pet therapy programs and Scouts? ________ ________

Look at Care Residents Receive

No. Checklist Question Home A Home B
1. Do various staff and professional experts participate in evaluating each resident's needs and interests? ________ ________
2. Does the resident or his or her family participate in developing the resident's care plan? ________ ________
3. Does the home offer programs to restore lost physical functioning (for example, physical, occupational, and speech and language therapy)? ________ ________
4. Does the home have any special services that meet your needs (for example, special care units for residents with dementia or with respiratory problems)? ________ ________
5. Does the home have a program to restrict the use of physical restraints? ________ ________
6. Is a registered nurse available for nursing staff ________ ________
7. Does the nursing home have an arrangement with a nearby hospital to treat a resident if needed? ________ ________

Look at How the Nursing Home Handles Payment

No. Checklist Question Home A Home B
1. Is the facility certified for Medicare? ________ ________
2. Is the facility certified for Medicaid? ________ ________
3. Is the resident or the resident's family informed when charges are increased? ________ ________

Look at the Environment

No. Checklist Question Home A Home B
1. Is the outside of the home clean and in good repair? ________ ________
2. Are there outdoor areas accessible for residents to use? ________ ________
3. Is the inside of the home clean and in good repair? ________ ________
4. Does the home have handrails in hallways and grab bars in bathrooms? ________ ________
5. When floors are being cleaned, are warning signs placed, or are areas blocked off to prevent accidents? ________ ________
6. Is the home free from unpleasant odors? ________ ________
7. Are toilets convenient to bedrooms? ________ ________
8. Do noise levels fit the activities that are going on? ________ ________
9. Is it easy for residents in wheelchairs to move around the home? ________ ________
10 Is the lighting appropriate for what residents are doing? ________ ________
11. Are there private areas for residents to visit with family, visitors, or physicians> ________ ________
12. Are residents' bedrooms furnished in a pleasant manner? ________ ________
13. Do the residents have some personal items in their bedrooms (for example, family pictures, souvenirs, and/or a chair)? ________ ________
14. Do the residents' rooms have accessible storage areas for residents' personal items? ________ ________

Other Things to Look For

No. Checklist Question Home A Home B
1. Does the home have a good reputation in the community? ________ ________
2. Does the home have a list of references? ________ ________
3. Is the home convenient for family and friends to visit? ________ ________
4. Does the local ombudsman visit the facility regularly? ________ ________
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