U.S. Department of Justice

To Treat or Not to Treat: Evidence on the Prospects of Expanding Treatment to Drug-Involved Offenders

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Apr. 22, 2008

Library ID

  • 023018

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  • 2008
  • 90 pages.

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  • To Treat or Not to Treat: Evidence on the Prospects of Expanding Treatment to Drug-Involved Offenders

ANNOTATION: The "size of the drug-involved offender population that could be served effectively and efficiently by partnerships between courts and treatment" is determined (p. xiii). Sections following an executive summary are: background and motivation; research design; estimation strategy, findings for prevalence, crimes averted by treatment; cost-effectiveness of treating currently eligible drug court participants, and simulated cost-effectiveness of expanding criminal justice system-based treatment; and discussion. The most cost efficient program is one that gives treatment to all 1.47 million arrestees that are at risk. Program costs of $13.7 billion would result in $46 billion in benefits.

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