U.S. Department of Justice

Individual and Institutional Demographic and Organizational Climate Correlates of Perceived Danger Among Federal Correctional Officers

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jul. 02, 2008

Library ID

  • 023133


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  • 2008
  • 178 pages.

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  • Individual and Institutional Demographic and Organizational Climate Correlates of Perceived Danger Among Federal Correctional Officers

ANNOTATION: The perceptions correctional officers have about danger are examined. Chapters following an abstract are: introduction; relevant literature; methods; results; and discussion regarding institutional differences, individual-level differences, other hypotheses and results, remaining ecological variance, policy and practice implications, limitations, strengths, and closing remarks. "Perceived danger was found to significantly vary across institutions . . . The consistent findings of race/ethnicity, gender, organizational climate, and perceived assaults suggest that individual-level results were not impacted by institutional-level results" (p. 163).

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