Glossary of Common Scientific Terms & Abbreviations
  • BNCT: boron neutron capture therapy
  • cDNA: complementary DNA
  • CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
  • Ci: Curie
  • cm: centimeter
  • CNS: central nervous system
  • CRADA: Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
  • CT: computed (computerized) tomography
  • dB: decibel
  • DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid
  • EEG: electroencephalogram
  • EKG: electrocardiogram
  • EMF: electromagnetic field
  • FISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization
  • g: gram
  • GABA: gamma amino butyric acid
  • HDL: high density lipoprotein
  • Hep B: hepatitus B
  • HIV: human immunodeficiency virus
  • HLA: human leukocyte antigen
  • HPLC: High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
  • hz: hertz
  • IgG: Immunoglobulin G
  • IMAGE: Integrated Molecular Analysis of Genomes and their Expression
  • in vivo: occurring inside a living organism
  • in vitro: occurring outside a living organism
  • IR: infrared
  • IRB: Institutional Review Board
  • IUDR: Iododeoxyuridine
  • IV: intravenous
  • J: joule
  • keV: kiloelectron volt
  • kg: kilogram
  • kHz: kilohertz
  • LC/ms: Liquid Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry
  • LDL: low density lipoprotein
  • l or L: liter
  • LDRD: Laboratory Directed Research and Development (funding)
  • LPT: lymphocyte proliferation test
  • LTT: lymphocyte transformation test
  • mCi: millicurie
  • mg: milligram
  • ml: milliliter
  • mm: millimeter
  • MNC: mononuclear cells
  • mrad: millirad
  • mrem: millirem
  • MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
  • mW: milliwatt
  • nCi: nanocurie
  • nm: nanometer
  • O-15: oxygen-15
  • PCR: polymerase chain reaction
  • PET: positron emission tomography
  • pH: acidity
  • PI: principal investigator
  • ppb: parts per billion
  • ppm: parts per million
  • RNA: ribonucleic acid
  • SPECT: single photon emission computed tomography
  • TCGF: T-cell growth factor
  • µg: microgram
  • µm: micrometer
  • UV: ultraviolet
  • W: watt
  • WBC: white blood cell count
  • XRF: x-ray fluorescence
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