U.S. Department of Justice

For Immediate Release: How to Safely Reduce Prison Populations and Support People Returning to Their Communities

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jun. 18, 2010

Library ID

  • 024464

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  • 2010
  • 10 pages.

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  • For Immediate Release: How to Safely Reduce Prison Populations and Support People Returning to Their Communities

ANNOTATION: Agencies wanting to cut costs by reducing their inmate population need to at this report. This report has sections covering: there is no clear correlation between length of prison stay and rates of recidivism; parole can be used to safely reduce prison populations; improving parole supervision practices will reduce the number of people returned to prison; people need support after release to be successful in the community; states are already using innovative methods to reduce their prison population; and conclusion—making smarter investments in communities and social institutions is the most effective way improving public safety and supporting communities.

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