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July 2002 Update

Question: "Does your State accommodate fiber optics / wireless communications on Interstate or other freeways?"

 Fiber OpticsWireless 
FHWA Resource Center or StateInterstateOther FreewaysInterstateOther FreewaysComments
(ITS.IMS and state use only)
NoSoonNoFiber Optics - For State purposes only - Incident Management System (IMS) and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). No resource sharing involved.
Wireless - A project has been authorized for State purposes only -- Digital Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) at six locations. No resource sharing will be involved.
MaineYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - No resource sharing.
MassachusettsNoYesYesYesFiber Optics - State gets lines in return for accommodation.
Wireless - State gets some wireless facilities in return.
New HampshireNoYesNoNoFiber Optics - A short line was placed from the FAA center in Nashua to a nearby location. No resource sharing was involved.Comments - Currently working on RFP for consultant to assist in determining State's best interest, consultant in place.
New JerseyYes
(ITS only)
YesYesYesFiber Optics - ITS only.
Wireless - 5 installations as airspace agreements.
New YorkYesYesYesYesFiber Optics - Lines are installed on NY State Thruway. NYSDOT has continuing RFP for fiber projects on their R/W.
Puerto RicoNoNoNoNoR/W sharing is under consideration.
Rhode IslandYesYesYesYesFiber Optics - State obtained 2 conduits for state use in exchange for allowing private usage of R/W.
District of ColumbiaNoNoNoNo 
MarylandYesNoYesYesFiber Optics - On most Interstates in central MD. Approximately 370 total miles.
Wireless - Ten towers have been installed along controlled access facilities. Towers accommodate multiple providers - as many as five providers per structure.
PennsylvaniaNoNoNoNoResource sharing not permitted by state law on controlled access R/W. Turnpike is negotiating for joint use of fiber and wireless with private company.
VirginiaITS onlyITS onlyYesYesWireless - There are a number of installations with more to follow.
West VirginiaNo activity as yet. Recent RFP was canceled. Future status is unclear
AlabamaNoNoNoNoALDOT has appointed a committee to evaluate all aspects of placing both fiber & wireless facilities on Alabama freeways.
FloridaITS onlyITS onlyYesYesFiber Optics - (see details in the body of the survey)
Wireless - A total of 70 towers are expected.
GeorgiaITS onlyNoNoNoFiber Optics - For State purposes only. No resource sharing involved.
KentuckyITS onlyITS onlyNoNoFiber Optics - For State purposes only. No resource sharing involved.
MississippiYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - One temporary Interstate installation and several installations on other freeways. No compensation. No resource sharing involved.
North CarolinaNoYesNoNoFiber Optics - No compensation.
South CarolinaYesNoNoNoFiber Optics - ITS use only, except one river crossing by Southern Bell.
TennesseeYesNoNoNoFiber Optics - There is one installation in Memphis. Committee is considering how to implement the law on future fiber-optic and wireless installations.
TexasYesYesYesYesFiber Optics - No compensation has been received. Utilities have a right to occupy the R/W. No resource sharing is involved as yet, but rulemaking underway.
Wireless - Two Interstate and two other freeway installations in the San Antonio area. No compensation received. No resource sharing involved as yet.
ArkansasYesNoNoNoFiber Optics - Lines have been installed on some Interstates. Received lines in exchange.
Wireless - Not allowed on any highway R/W at present.
LouisianaYesYesYesNot yetFiber Optics - On interstates, the charge is $5,000 per mile.
Wireless - One site.
New MexicoYesYesYesYesFiber Optics - State negotiating for Interstate and other State R/W accommodation partners.
Wireless - One site operational.
OklahomaYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - Seven lines in place.
Wireless - None as yet.
IllinoisYesNoNoNoFiber Optics - Lines recently installed.
IndianaYesNoNoNoFiber Optics - Pilot project on the Indiana Toll Road, I-80/I-90, across the northern portion of the State. INDOT Toll Road Division compensated with cash and use of fiber capacity.
Wireless - INDOT is considering developing a RFP for wireless using certain facilities.
MichiganYesYesNoNoNo charge for use. Permit required with one-time permit fee of $1000/mile. Accommodation normally within 15 ft of fence. All installations are longitudinal.
MinnesotaYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - The state's fiber optic network currently spans 250 miles from Wisconsin to Fargo, ND. In February 2001, MnDOT terminated its agreement with a private consortium that was granted exclusive access to lay a fiberoptic network within state trunk highway R/W. The consortium was unable to fully finance the remaining network of 2,000 miles as originally proposed. MnDOT is committed to complete the network and is currently exploring other options.
OhioNoNoYesYesFiber Optics - No private fiber optics longitudinally installed along Interstate or other Freeways. ODOT is reviewing its position on this subject and awaiting experience of other states.
Wireless - 23 towers on Interstate R/W and 3 towers on Non-Interstate freeway. 3 towers at ODOT District offices.
WisconsinYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - WisDOT has received cash from $5,500 to $10,000/mile over a 20-25 year period, but could receive fiber, cash, or both. Access to other highways is free. 5 companies utilize controlled-access highways (approx.320 miles and $1.8 million). State currently needs fiber for ITS /other applications.
Wireless - None to date, but some indicated interest. State allows towers at rest areas, weigh scales, or other safe R/W location. NOTE: For fiber/ wireless, a master agreement is prepared and permits issued per location.
IowaYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - For State purposes only --the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). No resource sharing. Other commercial underground communications (fiber and copper) cables permitted for annual fee.
KansasYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - On a section of Interstate maintained by the Kansas Turnpike Authority and on other freeways. Cash compensation in one case. KDOT has two shared resource projects. The statewide contract covers 550 miles of R/W from Kansas City to the Colorado border, and from Salina south to Wichita.
MissouriYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - Some installations on interstate/other freeways. Only one installation (thru RFP process) in exchange for use of six strands of F.O. cable as backbone for MoDOT's ITS network. F.O. system value recognized under the FHWA Innovative Finance Program & $30 million soft match credit approved for future ITS projects.
Wireless - MoDOT seeks partners for the future.
ColoradoYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - Installations have been permitted in exchange for fibers to be used by CDOT.
MontanaNoNoNoNoMDT continues to study the effects of utility occupancy of interstate R/W.
YesNoNoFiber Optics - Installations permitted on freeway R/W. Interstate applications are reviewed separately on case-by-case basis. Compensation varies. Resource sharing under review. State Business Council and DOT involved in the review process.
North DakotaSoonSoonNoNoFiber Optics - NDDOT has considered the installation of fiber optics in the R/W. Negotiations with a private vendor failed, and no additional requests have come forward.
South DakotaYesYesNoNoFiber Optics - The SDDOT has installed fiber optics cable in the Interstate R/W. Other requests will be considered as the need arises. All schools (elementary, Middle and High Schools, and Universities) in South Dakota have been wired with Fiber Optics to make the Internet available to all SD Students.
UtahSoonSoonNoNoFiber Optics - Governor's Task Force recommendations and regulations being developed to respond to recent change in State law allowing compensation beyond basic permit fee.
ArizonaNoNoYesYesWireless - One antenna has been installed on one overhead sign structure support.Cash compensation was received.
NoYesYesFiber Optics - Installation for State purposes only. No resource sharing involved. Caltrans exploring options to develop fiber optics accommodation policy that would permit compensation in some form to Caltrans. Legislative changes would be necessary to revise State Code.
Wireless - Installations permitted on Interstate and other Freeways (access controlled) under State's "Licensing Process and Siting Guidelines". Cash compensation to Caltrans based on type of equipment and geographical location. ( See website - ). Wireless telecommunication sites permitted on conventional highways as encroachments.
IdahoNoNoNoNoFiber Optics - Installations not permitted on Interstate R/W. Looking at hiring a consultant to prepare an RFP to offer fully limited access facilities (including the Interstate) for fiber installation in return for either barter or cash benefits. Use of other highways is anticipated.

July 2002 Update

Eastern Resource Center:

FHWA Contact: Lester Finkle and John McAvoy, Connecticut Division (860) 659-6703, ext 3007
E-Mail Address: and
State Contact: Robert Ritsick, ConnDOT (860) 594-3262
E-Mail Address: Robert.Ritsick@PO.state.ct.usa
Fiber Optics: Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) policy does not permit fiber optics on Interstate routes nor limited-access highways. On all other State routes, if the utility is regulated by the DPUC, the established permitting process is followed.
Wireless: Facilities have not yet been installed on any Interstate highway R/W in Connecticut, but the Division Office authorized a project involving Digital Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) at 6 locations. No outside compensation was involved in the HAR installations. They had Federal/State transportation funding. The facility locations are outside the clear zone, in ramp median areas.

FHWA Contact: Ken Todd, (207) 622-8350 ext.12 E-mail:
State Contact: Brian Burne, Utility & R/W Services Manager, Maine DOT (207) 287-3681
E-mail address:
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Maine and on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State. No compensation has been received. The lines were installed outside the clear zone and are maintained from the mainline. The Division Office provides advice and approval.
Wireless: facilities have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Maine or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W.

FHWA Contact: John McVann, (617) 494-2521 E-Mail:
State Contact: Michael Schwartz, Massachusetts Highway Department, (617) 973-7559
Fiber Optics: Mass. DPW has some installations on Route 128. State receives several lines in return.
Wireless: State permits some wireless antennas, and receives some usage of these facilities.

FHWA Contact: Martin Calawa, Area Engineer (603) 225-1609 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: The state is developing a RFP for a consultant to help them determine what would be in the best interest of the State regarding fiber installation. Basically, since the State does not have any experience with fiber they are seeking advice. In addition, they need to come to terms with what their own needs may be in the future. The plan is to have a consultant in place this fall, and to go to contract in 2003 for installation.
Wireless: New Hampshire presently does not have any wireless telecommunication facilities in Limited Access R/W. Pending legislation may dictate the use of "low towers" in the future in NH. This may mean more towers, but less obtrusive ones. They are also looking into these going into the NH R/W, but that is still some time off.

FHWA Contact: Keith Sinclair (609) 637-4204 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: NJDOT Contact: James Paral (609) 530-2488. Fiber optics lines have been installed on Interstate R/W and other NHS highway R/W. These facilities are State owned and operated. They were installed for State Traffic Management Systems purposes (i.e. computerized signal systems, etc). They have been located at various locations, including the median. Access occurs from the traveled way. (i.e. need traffic control with lane closure, etc). The Division Office reviews, approves proposed locations, and advises NJDOT as part of their review of contract plans.
Wireless: NJDOT Contact: Henry Soloway, (609) 530-3875 Wireless facilities have been installed in 5 locations on Interstate and other NHS R/W with additional installations proposed. Since wireless communications are not a public utility under State law, the installations are being done under airspace agreement provisions rather than a utility accommodation policy.The Division Office has assisted the NJDOT in establishing guidelines and procedures for installation, approval of location sites, and final approval of installations.

FHWA Contact: Tom Herritt, (518) 431-4125 ext. 233 E-Mail
NYSDOT Contact: Richard Lee (518) 457-4449 Utilities
Fiber Optics: Fiber-optic lines have been installed on the New York State Thruway, which is maintained by the New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA), from New York City to Buffalo (+/- 500 miles). NYSTA is an Authority and not under the jurisdiction of NYSDOT. One of six fiber banks is dedicated to the NYSTA for their use with communications, ITS, and other things. In addition, phased in cash will be provided at years 5 thru 20, and complete ownership of all the fiber optic will be attained within the R/W after 20 years. Fiber-optic lines have been located mostly on the R/W line, but occasionally in the median because of environmental or other constraints. Maintenance will have to be performed from the mainline with a permit requiring proper work zone traffic control and other safety considerations.There are several routes on Long Island in the planning stage. The state receives eight governmental fibers, NYSDOT one empty duct. Revenue sharing does apply above a threshold. The Division Office has reviewed the fiber optic installation locations, approved those areas that required median installations, and advised of additional verbiage to enhance safety during installation and maintenance.
Wireless: Facilities (antennas) have been installed on an Interstate in New York State. The State receives a rental fee for accommodating the wireless installations (antennas). The antennas on the Interstate will be accessed for maintenance purposes from the mainline in some instances. Under a site manager services agreement, NYSDOT R/W is to be used for wireless. Gross revenues are distributed 30/70 or 50/50 depending on who builds (or built) the facility. A proposal to rent antenna space on New York State Thruway Authority communication towers was discussed with the DO to confirm that FHWA approval was not required. There are also about a dozen wireless sites in development.

FHWA Contact: Jose Torres (787) 766-5600 x234 E-Mail:
Determination of R/W sharing not yet complete. Future DOT Intelligent Vehicle system and revenues are the only possible benefits now seen. PRDOT is installing conduits as part of widening projects in case accommodation decision is made.

FHWA Contact: Mike Butler (401) 528-4564 Email:
State Contact: Robert Jackson (401) 222-2411 ext. 4525 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Level 3 Communications, LLC has installed within the Interstate and other NHS Rights-of-Way, distance of approximately forty-six (46) miles, a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of twenty-seven (27) one and one quarter inch conduits. Two conduits are State conduits, one conduit is vacant, and the other will have twenty-four (24) single-mode fibers for State use.
Wireless: Voicestream d/b/a as Omnipoint Holdings, Inc. has had an Agreement to erect twelve (12) monopoles within the Interstate and other NHS Rights-of-Way since December 1997. To date eleven (11) sites have been identified and five (5) monopoles have been erected with two (2) monopoles hosting co-locators. Two additional monopoles were erected in 2001 bringing the total to seven (7).

FHWA Contact: Mark D. Richter, (802) 828-4423 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Fiber optic lines have not been installed on Interstate R/W or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in Vermont. The Division Office has provided advice to the State.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Vermont or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W. Division Office provides advice to the State.

FHWA Contact: Robert Kleinburd (302) 734-2966 E-Mail:
DelDOT: Gene Donaldson (302) 739-7786
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Delaware or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate R/W in Delaware or any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W.- Delaware still does not share resource activity. Fiber-optic lines are being installed along I-95 in conjunction with the I-95 Corridor Coalition. The I-95 Corridor Coalition is an organization of Northeast States representatives gathered together to promote a coordinated ITS response. The most visible result of their activity is the EZ-Pass toll effort that involves the States from Maine to Delaware. Fiber-optic lines currently being installed will be used for coordinated ITS application, such as multi-state linked overhead signing messaging.

FHWA Contact: Ed Sheldahl, Bureau Operations Engineer & Tracy France, R/W, (202) 523-0163
Fiber Optics: have not been installed on Interstate or other controlled-access R/W in the District. There are installations on other NHS routes in the District.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate or any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the District of Columbia.

FHWA Contact: Ann Hersey, (410) 962-4342 ext. 135 E-Mail:
Joseph Bissett, Statewide Utilities Engineer (410) 545-5546
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed on Interstate R/W in Maryland but have not been installed on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in Maryland. The State received conduit, fibers and monetary compensation. On approximately 685 total miles, cables were installed in the median, under the right hand shoulder, and beyond the right hand shoulder. All locations were within the R/W. Access is from the mainline. The Maryland Division and Region 3 offices worked with MSHA, providing guidance and approving the installations.
Wireless: Facilities have been installed on Interstate R/W in Maryland.A tower replaced a high mast light pole and now has a light fixture attached to it. Eight towers have been installed along controlled access facilities, many near or within interchanges. Towers accommodate multiple providers - as many as five providers per structure. Additional tower sites are under consideration. 9 additional towers are proposed within the R/W of both Interstate and other controlled access Federal-aid highways. The State will receive monetary compensation for these installations, approximately $24,000- $37,500. per site annually. The dollar amount varies by site. The Maryland Division and Region 3 Office worked together with MSHA to develop guidelines for the placement of wireless facilities within the highway right-of-way. The priorities below correspond to Maryland's "Wireless Telecommunications - Priority Checklist for Site Selection."

FHWA Contact: Leland J. Kissinger, Utilities Specialty in the PA Division Office, (717) 221-3727
E-Mail Address:
State Contact: John Proud, Utilities Engineer, PennDOT Central Office (717-787-4038).
E-Mail Address
Fiber Optics: Fiber-optic lines have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Pennsylvania or on any other Federal-Aid highway R/W in the State.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Pennsylvania or on any other Federal-Aid highway R/W in the State.
Comments: The Division Office has provided PennDOT with resource sharing information developed by FHWA HQ, as well as current practices from other states. PennDOT has been encouraged to consider developing resource sharing and partnering agreements with private utilities as a means of providing the communications infrastructure necessary to enhance present and future ITS systems.

FHWA Contact: Tim Lewis, (804) 775-3348 E-Mail:
VDOT Contact: Stuart Waymack (804) 786-2923
Fiber Optics: Fiber-optic lines have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Virginia or on any other Federal-Aid highway R/W in the State as part of Resource Sharing. However, an agreement is in the works for 1,200 miles of fibers to be installed. Fiber-optic lines have been installed in Northern Virginia for VDOT's traffic management system but this is not a part of resource sharing. Virginia plans to receive fiber infrastructure as compensation. More specifically, they will receive 18 fibers on 1,300 miles of rural Interstate, and 48 fibers on 148 miles of urban Interstate. It is VDOT's intention to locate these facilities far enough off the edge of pavement where access would not be a problem. The fibers must be placed so as not to interfere with the safe operation of the highways. The preferred location is to the right of the travel lanes, possibly outside of the clear zone or near the R/W line; however, fibers will not be located in the median.
Wireless: There are 65 sites that have been approved for wireless elecommunications installations on Interstate highways in Virginia. Some of these towers are under construction. Most of these facilities are in Northern Virginia and Suffolk, mainly on Interstate highways at strategic interchanges. Virginia will receive a combination of money and ITS infrastructure. Normally VDOT owns the tower. After a 5 year period, VDOT will receive approx. $1000/month from users of the tower. These tower facilities are going to be accessed from service roads, ramps, and secondary roads. Any access from mainlines has to be approved by the Division Office.

FHWA Contact: Henry (Ed) Compton (304) 347-5268
State Contact: Guy Mick, Utilities Supervisor (304) 558-3656 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Fiber optic lines have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in West Virginia or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W.
Wireless: Towers have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in West Virginia or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W. Comments: On November 15, 2000, the Governor's Office of Technology, the WV Department of Transportation, and the WV Parkways, Economic Development and Tourism Authority jointly issued a Request for Proposals from vendors to install and maintain a fiber optic communication network for as much as the area of the state as possible. On December 18, 2000, Verizon Communications filed for an injunction in Federal court seeking to halt the opening of the proposals. Verizon claimed the RFP was in violation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and other state laws related to regulation of utilities. On December 19, 2000, at the request of the Governor, the RFP was canceled. It is unclear at this time whether or not the RFP will be revised and reissued later.

Southern Resource Center:

FHWA Contact: Linda Guin, (334) 223-7377
Fiber Optics: Fiber-optic lines have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Alabama or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W. The Division Office has been monitoring ALDOT activities in this regard and providing education.
Wireless: Installations have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Alabama or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W. The Division Office has been monitoring DOT activities in this regard and providing education.
Comments: The Alabama DOT has appointed a committee to evaluate all aspects of placing both fiber and wireless facilities on Interstates and other access-controlled highways.

FHWA Contact: Bill Wade, (805) 942-9650 x3021 E-Mail:
State Contact: Gene Glotzbach, FDOT (805) 414-7620
Fiber Optics: Fiber has been installed on Interstate highway R/W and other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in Florida on a limited basis by the Florida DOT to support ITS initiatives in urban areas. FDOT received and awarded a contract to Florida Fiber Inc. (FFN) to place fiber optic lines in all limited access highways in Florida. The Florida Division treated the installation as if it were a utility under our Utility Accommodation Agreement with FDOT. However, FHWA concurrence was required with the lease agreement because the UAM called for a permit and the lease was an exception to that policy. The current UAM prohibits longitudinal installation of utilities. Concerns about the environment were addressed throughout the process.. Subsequently, the FFN has not provided FDOT with the required financial plans and other resource commitments that they agreed to and FDOT has now written them a letter declaring FFN in default of the agreement and giving them 90 days to submit the required and promised materials. Also check out:
Wireless: Commercial wireless facilities are being installed on Interstate highway R/W in Florida as well as the Florida Turnpike facilities. Florida DOT has signed an agreement with Lodestar Towers, Inc. to market limited access rights-of-way for the installation of commercial wireless telecommunications facilities. The Florida DOT has the option of receiving a percent of the gross revenue generated at these tower sites or receiving services. In addition to limited access rights-of-way, Lodestar can utilize Florida DOT Maintenance yards as well as existing communication facilitiesfor commercial wireless telecommunications. The first commercial wireless telecommunications facilities were erected in March of 2000 and through the course of the year, Lodestar expects to erect some 70 towers on Florida DOT property. Florida DOT has its own network of towers to support the call box communication system and the Florida DOT's 47 MHz land mobile communication system. Lodestar Towers, Inc. was selected through the RFP process with an agreement signed March 25, 1999. The Division Office has provided technical assistance.

FHWA Contact: Clyde Johnson, (404) 562-3657 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: GDOT has installed fiber-optic lines on Interstate R/W but only for their own use in the Atlanta area and in the Macon area to support the deployment and operation of their ITS network (no resource sharing involved). GDOT has not installed fiber-optic on any other controlled access facilities. The FHWA Division Office provided technical assistance and approved the installation.
Wireless: GDOT has not installed any wireless telecommunications facilities on Interstate or other controlled access facilities. The FHWA Division Office advises GDOT on wireless issues.

FHWA Contact: Evan Wisniewski, (502) 223-6740 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Kentucky or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State, except for some that have been installed solely for highway use -- no resource sharing involved. The State is currently considering the use of the R/W by others.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Kentucky or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State.
Comments: The Kentucky Division has played an advising role on resource sharing.

FHWA Contact: Bob Webster, (601) 965-4228 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Mississippi, except for a very minor amount on the Gulf Coast. Fiber-optic lines have been installed on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in Mississippi, as with other utilities, on many non-Interstate 4 lane and 2 lane highways. No resource sharing has been involved. MDOT people are of the opinion that the same people who pay the rates are the same people who pay for the highway, and the utility company would just pass the cost of any remuneration back to the public. Accommodation of the Interstate fiber- optic lines has been by a year-to-year permit for the last 6-7 years because the utility hasn't been able to buy R/W and move. Utilities locations are usually limited to the last five feet of R/W limits if possible. The Division Office advises MDOT whenever asked and only see the permits that deal with utilities crossing the Interstate.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Mississippi or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W.

FHWA Contact: Dan Hinton, (919) 856-4350 ext. 107 E-Mail:
State Contact: Aydren Flowers, Utilities Coordinator (919) 733-7932
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on Interstate or on any other fully controlled access highways in North Carolina. There have been some installations on partial controlled or limited access routes. No compensation was received for these installations. They were all installed near the R/W line and are to be accessed from existing access points or ramps/frontage roads, etc. - not from the mainline.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate or on any other fully controlled access routes in North Carolina. Comments The FHWA Division Office provides advice as needed on any issues relating to resource sharing. There has been no change in North Carolina since the review last year by the Office of Program Quality Coordination. North Carolina officials have not changed their position relating to these facilities. At the present time, they do not believe it is worth pursuing.

FHWA Contact: Steve Ikerd, (803) 253-3885 E-Mail:
SCDOT Contact: Marion Leaphart, (803) 737-1293
Fiber Optics: With the exception of a Southern Bell fiber optic cable in Charleston, the SCDOT has not allowed the installation of privately owned fiber optic lines within the R/W of any controlled access facility. In return, the SCDOT received fibers from the bridge site to the District office for use in the operation of a Fog Detection and Warning System. The SCDOT has installed and owns approximately 50 miles of fiber optic cable for operation of freeway management components in the Greenville/Spartanburg, Columbia, Rock Hill, and Charleston urban areas.
Wireless: The SCDOT has not allowed the installation of telecommunication towers within the R/W of any controlled access facility.

FHWA Contact: Roger Port, (615) 781-5774 E-Mail:
TNDOT - John Boynton (615) 741-2891
Fiber Optics: The first application of fiber-optic lines on Interstate highways in Tennessee was concurred in by the Division Office on 9-22-97. Actual installation has not commenced. No longitudinal fiber-optic lines have been permitted along any other controlled access facilities in the State.The Division Office has been instrumental in forwarding legal and operational guideline publications, as well as current informational material, to TDOT management and conducted a one-day joint seminar with TDOT officials, and representatives of Apogee Research, Inc. and the Missouri DOT on 11-19-96.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate or any other Federal-aid controlled access highways in Tennessee.

FHWA Contact: Lee Gibbons, Utilities Coordinator, Texas Division (512) 916-5516
E-Mail Address:
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed on Texas Interstate highway R/W and on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in accordance with the TxDOT Utility Accommodation Manual. These lines have been installed by companies that are considered utilities, and no resource sharing has taken place as yet. No compensation was received since the companies had a right to occupy the right of way. These fiber optic lines are located outside the frontage roads, outside the clear zone near the R/W line. They will be maintained from the frontage roads and side streets. Texas has an extensive system of frontage roads along the Interstate and other controlled access highways throughout the state, and utilities are generally located between the frontage road and R/W line along these highways. The Division has not had any involvement in these lines since they are approved by TxDOT using permit procedures. Resource sharing efforts are well underway, with rulemaking procedures underway. A pilot implementation effort will then follow as a need is identified. Comments: TXDOT is currently considering installing a fiber-optic cable between Odessa and El Paso in the median.
Wireless: Facilities have been installed on Interstate R/W at two locations in the San Antonio area. There are also two wireless installations on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the San Antonio area. TxDOT did not receive any compensation for these installations since the companies erecting the facilities were considered utilities with a right to occupy the R/W. These facilities on the R/W are monopole tower assemblies. The support cabinets have generally been placed off the R/W. The towers located on the R/W are located near the R/W line outside the clear zone and will be accessed from the frontage road or side street. One pole is located in a benign locationfrom the safety standpoint outside the frontage road in an interchange area. The Division Office does not have an active role but does communicate with the TxDOT Central Office R/W section on this subject occasionally.

FHWA Contact: David Blakeney (501) 324-6438 E-mail
State Contact: Perry Johnston, Utilities Coordinator, AH&D (501) 569-2321
E-Mail Address:
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed on some Interstates. All lines installed near fence line, with pull boxes outside access line at each interchange. AH&D has access to each pull box, and are assigned space/lines at each regeneration site in exchange.
Wireless: Not allowed on any highway R/W at present.

FHWA Contact: Karen Hider 225-757-7625 E-Mail:
LADOTD Contact: Tom Harrell, P.E. (225) 379-1509 E-mail:
Fiber Optics: Fiber-optic cables can be placed along non-controlled access freeways at no charge to the utility. Along controlled access freeways and Interstate highways fiber-optic lines can be placed for a charge of $5,000 per mile (a one time charge). This charge may be waived in return for shared resources. The LDOTD published a Rule for Fiber Optic permits in the Louisiana Register on December 20, 1999 allowing fiber-optic lines and for resource sharing of the lines. LDOTD will ask for resources for their use in any agreement. Money obtained from this endeavor will be deposited in the Right of Way Permit Processing Fund. There are eight companies installing lines along Interstates as of April 1, 2001.
Wireless: Towers are allowed but only one tower has been installed in a rural Interstate Highway Interchange. The fees are low annual fees but higher than usually obtainable in other areas. Fees are based on area where tower will be located (higher fees in metropolitan areas, lower in rural areas).

Contact: Joe Edwards, NM Division (505) 820-2024
E-Mail Address:
State Contact: John Rocha - NMSHTD Utility Section Chief (505) 827-5357
The State of New Mexico has a process in place & in use that enables the placing of wireless sites within State R/W. The State is currently developing a process to enable the placement of wire line (fiber-optic) facilities within Interstate and other state R/W. One cellular tower is operational.

FHWA Contact: Jim Carver (405) 605-6040 E-mail:
State: Lynn Whitford, Utility Manager-ODOT (405) 521-2641;
Alan Stevenson, Traffic Engineering Division-ODOT (405) 521-2861;
Gary Brown, Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (405) 425-3646
Fiber Optics: Oklahoma currently has a fiber-optic facility in place that begins at the Texas/Oklahoma State Line and extends to Oklahoma City. The facility continues to the Missouri/Oklahoma State Line. The Transportation Commission was the Authoritative body that granted an exception to current policy. The facility was placed under the supervision of the Department of Transportation. Resource sharing was a factor in the agreement to place this facility within Interstate Highway R/W. The facility was placed at no cost to the State. The State received exclusive use of 12 fibers (4 Lighted). The State would not be responsible for the maintenance of the facility. All future costs associated with Highway Construction requiring relocation would be born by the company. Traffic Engineering Division is currently working on the placement of a Fiber Optic facility along a route that involves various Interstate Highway Rights- of- Way that are associated with the future Intelligent Transportation System.
Wireless: Not allowed at this time.

Midwest Resource Center:

FHWA Contacts: Don Keith, R/W, (217) 492-4640 E-Mail:
Peter Hartman, Eng. Team Leader (217) 492-4622
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed this past year for the first time on the Interstate right of way. Williams Communications has installed fiber optics ducts (including a duct for state communications) along Interstates.IDOT has resisted proposals from telecommunications providers to install fiber optics ducts along and within the Interstate medians, and all installations to date are along and within a few feet of the access control fences. The State will receive service in kind, i.e., their own separate fiber optics duct. Additionally, the State is receiving rental payments, based upon approved appraisals, for the permits given to Williams to longitudinally occupy the Interstate right of way.

FHWA Contact: Dennis Lee, Indiana Division, (317) 226-7487
E-Mail Address:
Fiber Optics: The INDOT has not allowed any fiber optics installations along roads under their jurisdiction, except for the Indiana Toll Road across the northern portion of the State and is 251 km in length. The Toll Road Division of INDOT had some fiber optic lines in place but they were outdated. They are now involved in a pilot project with new lines to be installed. There is no Federal money in this effort. Because of some concerns by INDOT about legal issues concerning use of the Right of Way, a Request for Information (RFI) has been sent to potential users to determine potential needs and usage of a fiber optic system. Even though no decision has been made, INDOT is currently leaning toward working on the initial effort. The information from the RFI will help them to decide where the first efforts will occur. An alternative that INDOT is considering is to possibly tie into the existing State Police wireless network.
Wireless: INDOT does not have wireless installations, but are considering a request for proposals (RFP) for wireless communications using certain facilities such as tower light supports. The City of Indianapolis currently has an RFP out trying to get private industry as partners in a wireless system. The State and we are anxiously awaiting the outcome.

FHWA Contact: John Wiesner, (517) 377-1880, Ext. 40 E-Mail :
MDOT Contact: Mark Dionise (517) 373-7682. E-Mail address:
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Michigan and also on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State. Compensation has consisted of a Permit Fee of $1000 per mile. Lines have been located outside the clear and will be maintained from fence line, cross roads, or ramps, with exceptions.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on any Interstate highway R/W in Michigan or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State. The Division Office has played a minimal role thus far.

FHWA Contacts: Jim McCarthy (651) 291-6112 or Pete Kiernan (651) 291-6106
MnDOT Contacts: Adeel Lari 651-282-6148 or Bob McPartlin (651) 296-4337
Web Site: Fiber Optics: On December 23, 1997, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) entered into an agreement with a private consortium granting them exclusive access to lay a fiber optic network within state trunk highway right-of-way. The Minnesota trunk highway system consists of Interstate, NHS, and other principal arterials. Leading the consortium was International Communications Services (ICS)/Universal Communication Networks (UCN) from Denver, Colorado. Under this agreement, the consortium was to construct a 2,200 mile fiber optic network that included three loops, going to the northern and southern portions of the state as well as to the Twin Cities metropolitan area. In exchange for this accommodation within trunk highway right-of-way, the consortium would provide all state, city and county agencies, as well as public and private schools and universities, free access to the network, up to 20-30% of capacity. The consortium had the right to lease the remaining capacity to other entities on a non-discriminatory basis. In February, 2001, MnDOT and the Minnesota Department of Administration terminated the agreement with ICS/UCN to build the fiber-optic network because the consortium could not garner sufficient financing to complete installation along the remaining 2,200 miles. After reviewing its options, the state decided that it was not practical to further amend the contract.
To date, private sector investment in the project exceeds $30 million in fiber-optic cable and conduit. The network currently spans 230 miles from the Twin Cites to Moorhead. Additional segments will soon be operational to the Wisconsin border. Most of the network is comprised of two 2-inch PVC conduits. One PVC conduit is empty, the other contains 192 fibers in an .8-inch cable. In the Twin Citiesmetro area the number of conduits may vary.
Wireless: Towers have not been installed on any trunk highwayright-of-way. Currently, MnDOT is planning and evaluating whether to go forward with an RFP for Wireless Communication. No decision has been made to date.

FHWA Contact: Richard Henry (614) 280 -6842, E-Mail:
ODOT Contact: Steven D. Cheek (614) 466-3877.
Fiber Optics: No private fiber-optic lines have been installed longitudinally in Ohio. There have been transverse (crossings) installations. There are also a few municipal or MPO longitudinal installations for ITS purposes in some of the major metropolitan areas. ODOT is reassessing its past position on this issue and is currently waiting to the experience of other states programs.
Wireless: There have been tower installations on both Interstate and Limited Access Urban Freeways. 29 towers have been approved (23 on Interstate and 3 on Urban Freeways) There are also 3 installations on ODOT District property. Each provider must enter into a Statewide Master License Agreement and an individual Site Agreement foreach site. The license fee is based on a schedule and ranges in price from $9,200 to $25,250 per year with periodic adjustments of 3.5% per year for each site depending on the site location (Urban, Suburban, Rural Suburban, or Rural) and the number of antennae on the tower. In addition, a $10,000 security deposit is required for each installation until the aggregate of the deposits equals $100,000 for an individual carrier. Each carrier must make space available for co-locator carriers and pay ODOT half the fee or half of the scheduled fee which ever is greater, and provide a space for the State Multi Agency Radio Communications System (MARCS) and other ITS applications at no charge.

FHWA Contact: Roger Szudera (608) 829-7508 E-Mail:
WisDOT Contact: Robert Fasick (608) 266-3438 / (608) 267-7856(fax);
Fiber Optics: -WisDOT may receive compensation in fiber, cash, or both for long. installations on controlled-access freeways and expressways. Access to other state highways is free.
Wireless: No wireless accommodation to date, but companies have indicated interest. WisDOT would allow installations at rest areas, weigh scales, or another safe R/W location for a tower. NOTE: For fiber and wireless, a master agreement is prepared and permits issued for each location.

FHWA Contact: Gerry Kennedy, (515) 233-7317 E-mail:
Iowa DOT: Larry Heinz (515) 239-1373
Dave Widick (515/) 233-7903
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Iowa and also on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State. These fiber-optic lines comprise the Iowa Communications Network (ICS) system and other underground communications lines. The ICS system is State owned and operated for State of Iowa business only; therefore, the State has access to the R/W as needed at no cost. Other underground communications systems pay a yearly rental fee, and these facilities have been located as close to the R/W line as possible. Facilities on freeways will be accessed from adjacent lands outside the R/W. Facilities on non-freeways can be accessed from within the R/W. The Division Office has approved longitudinal occupancy.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on any Interstate highway R/W in Iowa or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State. The Division Office has been involved in talks with IDOT about the possibility of facilities in the future, but has neither encouraged nor discouraged at this time.

FHWA Contact: Jason Cowin (785) 267-7284 E-Mail
KDOT Contact: Matt Volz, ITS Coordinator, (785) 296-6356,
Fiber Optics: Lines are currently being installed as part of two KDOT shared resources contracts with Digital Teleport, Inc. (DTI). The first contract, covering147 miles, was awarded for the Kansas City metropolitan area in conjunction with an on-going ITS design project (Kansas City Scout) and a Missouri DOT fiber optic shared resources project with DTI on the Missouri side of the project area. The second contract, covering 550 miles, was awarded for a statewide system. Both contracts were awarded in response to a KDOT RFP and are intended to provide the fiber-optic backbone for KDOT's ITS infrastructure. Prior to these shared resources contracts with DTI, fiber optics lines had only been installed on one section of Interstate R/W maintained by the Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA).
Wireless: Facilities have not yet been installed on Interstate R/W or any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in Kansas. KDOT invited a wireless vendor in to explain the issues involved with wireless towers on State R/W, but has not yet taken action in this area.

FHWA Contact: Bob Thomas, (573) 636-7104 E-Mail:
MoDOT Contact: James R. Zeiger (573) 522-5994
Fiber Optics: lines have been installed on Interstate highway R/W in Missouri and on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State. Under the terms of the public-private partnership with Digital Teleport Inc., MoDOT allowed placement of the fiber optic cable on highway R/W in exchange for use of 6 of the 24 strands of the fiber optic cable as the backbone of MoDOT's ITS network. No investment of public money was required. In addition, the value of the fiber optic system has been recognized under the FHWA Innovative Finance program and a $30 million soft match credit for use on future ITS projects. Originally, the fiber optic line was intended to be buried 20 to 30 feet from the edge of pavement. However, after installation was initiated, topography dictated the best location for the fiber optic cable was in the median. Access for maintenance purposes is only allowed from frontage roads or crossroads in accordance with current MoDOT policy. No access from the mainline is permitted.
Wireless: MoDOT issued RFP's in September, 1997 and again in the fall of 1998 which were intended to lead to a shared resources public-private partnership with the telecommunications industry to support deployment and operation of the Intelligent Transportation System in Missouri. MoDOT had planned to allow placement of wireless facilities where mutually acceptable sites are identified on MoDOT property in exchange for goods and services that support ITS deployment and operation. A few firms responded to each RFP and a potential telecommunications partner was identified each time, however, in both cases, negotiations were not successfully concluded because mutually acceptable terms could not be reached. MoDOT has also recognized additional potential conflicts with wireless facilities on the right-of-way duringanticipated widening of major Interstate facilities in the future. At this time, MoDOT is not actively pursuing a wireless shared resources partnership.

FHWA Contact: Ed Kosola, (402) 437-5973 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on Interstate R/W or on any other fully controlled access highway R/W in Nebraska, except for crossings.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on Interstate R/W or on any other fully controlled access highway R/W in Nebraska.

Western Resource Center:

FHWA Contact: Scott Sands, (303) 969-6703, ext 362 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed on Interstate highway R/W in your Colorado and on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W. The Colorado DOT received fibers for their own use as compensation. Installations were made in the R/W but are not considered to be a maintenance problem. The DO provided advice and encouragement.
Wireline/Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on any Interstate highway R/W in Colorado or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State. A revised utility accommodation plan has been submitted to DO for approval that addresses the wireline and wireless telecommunication facilities.

FHWA Contact: Carl James, (406) 449-5302 ext. 237 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on any interstate highway right-of-way in Montana.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on any interstate R/W to date or on any other controlled access federal-aid facility. Comments The MDT has appointed a Task Force to fully evaluate the merits of utility occupancy, including pipelines, of the interstate R/W.

FHWA Contact: Galen Hesterberg, Wyoming Division, (307) 772-2012, ext. 45
E-Mail Address:
WYDOT Contact: Dave Braden (307-777-4133) e-mail:
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on any Interstate highway R/W in Wyoming, but have been installed on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W. Compensation under consideration by WYDOT and State Business Council for future installations. WYDOT dictates locations and pushes all facilities to the outside limits of the R/W. Access for maintenance is typically from the highway, as the R/W is fenced. Where available, access for maintenance is recommended from outside the R/W through a locked gate. The DO has provided information, discussed pros/cons, and encouraged development of State policy to consistently respond to requests.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on any Interstate highway or any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in the State. Very few requests have been received by WYDOT. Current requests have been denied due to concerns about tower and guy line locations and safety. WYDOT and State Business Council will review future requests for placement and compensation. The DO has provided information, discussed pros/cons, and encouraged development of State policy to consistently respond to requests.

FHWA Contact: Rob Griffith, (701) 250-4349 E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on any Interstate highway right-of-way or any other Federal-aid highway right-of-way in the state.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on any Interstate highway right-of-way or on any other Federal-aid highway right-of-way in the State. The DO has been providing advice, and assistance. Comments: The North Dakota DOT had negotiated with AT&T for the installation of fiber-optic cabling. However, negotiations have failed, no additional services being proposed.

FHWA Contacts: Ken Erlenbusch (605) 224-7326, x3027; E-Mail:
Utilities - Ginger Maisie, (605) 224-7326,x3037;
ITS - Craig Gunslinger, (605) 224-7326, x3047.
Fiber Optics: The SDDOT has installed fiber-optic cable in the Interstate R/W. Other requests will be approved as they are received. The Governor mandated that the World Wide Web be made available to all schools (public and private) in South Dakota. This project has now been completed. All schools (elementary, Middle and High Schools, and Universities) have been wired with fiber-optic cable to provide Internet service to all schools. This required installing fiber-optic cabling on many miles of non-Interstate rights-of-way. The DO is providing advice and assistance.
Wireless: Facilities have not been installed on any Interstate highway right-of-way or on any other Federal-aid highway right-of-way in the State.

FHWA Contact: Carlos Machado 801-963-0078x231 E-Mail:
UDOT - Orlando Jerez, Chief Utility/Railroad Engineer
4501 South 2700 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119-5996 Tel: (801) 965-4032 Fax: (801) 965-4338
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on any Interstate highway or other highway in the State to date. A Governor's Task Force has presented a series of recommendations to the Legislature on what policy to follow to allow the State to benefit from the value of accommodating these lines. Regulations are being drafted to allow several options for charging, as the Legislature passed permissive legislation in April 1999.
Wireless: No activity to date. State utilities accommodation manual is on our web page located at

FHWA Contact: Philip Bleyl (602) 379-3913 Email:
Craig Stender, (602) 712-8865, Arizona DOT contact for Fiber Optics E-mail:
Dennis Barker, (602) 712-7230, is the Arizona DOT wireless contact E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Arizona issued a statewide RFP in July 1998. The RFP requested a communications firm(s) to provide communications infrastructure with the Department as a joint user. Two proposals were received. Both were reviewed by the Attorney General's Office for legal sufficiency. They rejected one proposal as non-responsive. The other is now being evaluated. It is expected that the Department will proceed by the end of the calendar year. To be considered responsive, proposals, at a minimum, had to include private ownership, operation, construction, and maintenance of communications infrastructure while providing the state with capacity and other enhancements in exchange for entrance into highway right-of-way. A fiber-optic communications network was preferred, but other systems would be considered. Much of the selection criteria are based on the number of statewide needs that would be met and on the quality and capacity to be provided. The type of system, capacity, equipment, and other enhancements provided to the state should first focus on the Department's need to expand ITS capabilities (a copy of the plan was made part of the RFP). The most effective proposal would be a plan for a statewide network. However, proposals for only one region or corridor would be considered. Additionally, ADOT made it clear that while it believed that only one proposer would be selected for any specific route, the Department reserved the right to select more than one proposer when it was in the best interest of the state to do so. The proposal also required an explanation of how other entities could be accommodated with in a single system. ADOT's purpose was to ensure competition was not inhibited, while providing the greatest benefit to the state.
Wireless: They currently have 8 providers under Master Lease Agreements. The Master Lease sets the basic terms, provisions and restrictions. Individual sites are leased under a separate site agreement which attaches to the Master Lease. New sites or collocations are requested by a provider and then advertised for competing bids. If no competing bids are received, which is usually the case, an Individual Site Agreement is executed. We currently have approximately 45 site agreements with some 15 pending.

FHWA Contact: Bill Todd (916) 498-5011 E-Mail:
Caltrans Contact: Scott Atkins E-Mail Address
(Fiber): Peter Schultze, (916) 654-2346 (Wireless) Bruce Wilson, (916) 654-4139
Fiber Optics: Lines have not been installed on Interstate highway R/W in California or on any other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W, except by Caltrans for State purposes and in a few instances by others as an approved exception to the approved freeway utility accommodation policy. Approved exceptions for fiber-optics are now subject to Caltrans receiving compensation and excess capacity (conduits) - these conduits are then available to others (with compensation). The goal is to restrict construction activities in the right of way. Legislative changes may be necessary to clarify authority to receive compensation.
Wireless: There are installations on Interstate R/W and on other controlled access Federal-aid highway R/W in accordance with Caltrans A Licensing Process and Siting Guidelines established for their Telecommunications (Wireless) Licensing Program. Compensation to Caltrans consists of cash based upon type of equipment and geographical location, ranging from $10,980 to $23,280 per site per year. Increases effective July 1, 2001 result in a new range from $11,364-$24,096. Guidelines have been established taking safety, functional, and aesthetic considerations into account. Access to wireless facilities is to be from outside the R/W. The DO has final review/approval authority over all wireless proposals on Federal-aid highways, including construction plans, environmental documents, collocation, and assignments. This and extensive related technical information is available through their website -

FHWA Contact: Laura Kong (808) 541-2700 ext. 328. E-Mail:
State Contact: Michael Amuro, HDOT, (808) 692-7332.
Fiber Optics: Lines have been installed at one Interstate location for the State's own use in traffic management purposes.
Wireless: All installations are on Oahu. All active wireless providers are required to form a consortium that proposes a plan to coordinate installations. HDOT Right-of-Way Branch reviews and approves plans. They then issue4 individual annual leases to each provider. Lease fee charged is based on a fair market value of the wireless site plus a $2,000 security deposit per site. The consortium constructs sites and maintains them. Each provider also pays a pro-rata share of the cost of any utilities used because they are tapping into HDOT's power source.

FHWA Contact: Jeff Weinman, (775) 687-5334. E-Mail:
State Contact: Heidi Mireles, NDOT, (775) 888-7840. E-Mail Address
Fiber Optics: Three conduits have been installed, one of which contains a 100-fiber cable on Interstate highway right-of-way in Nevada. It is within a 20-foot controlled access corridor between California and Utah; A logitudinal, nonexclusive permit has been issued to multiple users for a minimal fee. Lateral lines are within secondary routes.
Wireless: NDOT is continuing to develop policy. Facilities have not been installed on any Interstate highway right-of-way. The FHWA Division Office will continue to provide advice to NDOT.

FHWA Contact Person: Aaron Weston, (907) 586-7427
E-Mail Address:
Alaska has not yet had any experience with resource sharing activities.

FHWA Contact Person: Cathy Satterfield (208) 334-9180 x125
E-Mail Address:
Idaho has not yet had any experience with resource sharing activities.

FHWA Contact: John Gernhauser, (503) 587-4708. E-Mail:
Fiber Optics: Oregon has accommodated fiber optics within Interstate right-of-way as an exception to its policy. ODOT is considering a policy on resource sharing. There was no compensation other than the normal administrative fee associated with the permit. Locations have been either traverse crossings under the roadway or attached to structures.
Wireless: Facilities (towers, etc) have not been installed on Interstate or any other controlled access facilities in Oregon

FHWA Contact: Jim Leonard, (360) 753-9408. E-Mail:
WSDOT Contacts: Al King, WSDOT, Operations Engineer and Light Lanes Project Director, (360) 705-7375.
E-Mail Address
Gerry Gallinger, Director of Real Estate Services, (360) 705-7305.
E-Mail Address
Fiber Optics: The Seattle Project North Environmental document has been approved and an agreement executed. The project is moving forward. Other environmental documents are currently being worked on.
Wireless: WSDOT has a model airspace lease agreement that permits wireless on all highways if highway operations and safety are not compromised.

Mary Jane Daluge - Email:
FHWA Office of Real Estate Services


Roger McClellan - Email:
FHWA Office of Infrastructure

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