U.S. Department of Justice

Cross Governmental Sentencing and Corrections Policy Forum

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jan. 10, 2012

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “During the forum, nine state teams comprised of members from the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government convened to identify and evaluate strategies to improve state sentencing and corrections policies to reduce corrections costs and improve sentencing outcomes, while maintaining public safety.” Presentation overheads are provided for: “Evidence-Based Sentencing to Control Crime and Reduce Costs” by Roger Warren; “Criminal Justice Trends: Changes in Sentencing Policy 2001-2010” by Peggy McGarry; “Virginia's Nonviolent Offender Risk Assessment” by Rick Kern; “Earning Release: Sentence Credit Policies for State Prisoners” by Allison Lawrence; “Evidence-Based Decision-Making and Release Strategies’ by Catherine McVey; “Paroling Authorities: Critical Partners for Cross Governmental Efforts on Sentencing and Corrections by Peggy Burke; “Evidence-Based Solutions to Public Safety Problems by Elyse Clawson; “Delivering Results: An Initiative to Embed Portfolio Cost-Benefit Analysis into State Policy Debates by Sara Watson; and “Evidence-Based Programs and Policies: Picking Them, Passing Them, Doing Them, & Holding Them Accountable” by Steve Aos. Also included is links to nine related informational resources.

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