U.S. Department of Justice

2011 Kentucky Reforms Cut Recidivism, Costs: Broad Bill Enacts Evidence-Based Strategies

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Dec. 21, 2011

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  • 2011 Kentucky Reforms Cut Recidivism, Costs: Broad Bill Enacts Evidence-Based Strategies

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The development and enactment of Kentucky’s Public Safety and Offender Accountability Act is discussed. Ideas can be drawn from this publication for creating similar legislation. Sections of this issue brief include: overview describing the problem, consequences, drivers, reforms, and impact; background; charting a new path; policies and practices leading to prison growth in Kentucky—increase in arrest and court cases, high percentage of offenders being sentenced to prison, more technical parole violators, and increase in drug offenders; building consequences; and the Public Safety and Offender Accountability Act focus on expensive prison beds primarily assigned to serious offenders, reduction of recidivism by strengthening probation and parole, improvement of government performance, and reinvestment of savings to strengthen probation and parole.

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